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New Alumni Story Before IAAC’s Summer Break!
Stories about extraordinary people engaged in important endeavors across the world Each of our IAAC alumni has a story to tell, and we are gathering them in…
Green Fab Lab Coordinator – IAAC is Hiring!
We’re looking for a Lab Manager that will be responsible for the Green Fab Lab at Valldaura Labs, supervising the daily operations of students and…
MRAC Director Alexandre Dubor discusses about robotics for construction in specialized media
Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC) Director Alexandre Dubor discusses with specialized press the future of 3D printing & robotics and the shift currently taking…
Emotions & Technology: Meet MAI Guest Juror Moritz Waldemeyer
The artist and designer Moritz Waldemeyer discussed with Master in Advanced Interaction (MAI) Director Luis Fraguada about the role of emotions and technology in his…
Fab Lab Barcelona & MDEF Director Tomás Díez interviewed by El País about the “Fab City” Revolution
The leading language newspaper in Spanish “El País” interviews Tomás Díez, Director of IAAC’s Fab Lab Barcelona and the Master in Design for Emergent Futures…