La Maestría en Urbanismo Próximo Cierra el año Académico con el III Summit REDES
Desde el lunes 15 hasta el jueves 18 de julio se celebró en Barcelona el tercer Summit REDES – El Urbanismo Próximo.
Desde el lunes 15 hasta el jueves 18 de julio se celebró en Barcelona el tercer Summit REDES – El Urbanismo Próximo.
Discover students’ speeches reflecting on their unique experiences at IAAC, shared during the IAAC Graduation Day 2024.
The MRAC “Personable Robotics” workshop, led by Dr. Madeline Gannon, explored new models of human-robot companionship.
During the research trips students explored Iceland, the architecture of Bilbao and northern Spain, and the cities of Berlin and London.
La dirección del MOeC se reunió con Álvaro García Resta y Felipe Vera para expandir la agenda académica del programa.
Get to know the groundbreaking projects this year’s postgraduate students worked on and presented at the end of the 6-month intensive program.
In the Fab Academy week devoted to computer-controlled cutting, students learn the ins and outs of both its theoretical and practical aspects.
Read about the shift in design education towards a more integrated approach that MDDI is implementing in its educational structure.
MaCT students constructed a collective glossary mobilizing a variety of formats and presented in the form of an interactive exhibition.
With the guidance of a local host and MDEF faculty, participants delved into a series of local activities, from craft sessions to immersive nature walks.