The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia is pleased to launch another edition of the distributed IAAC Global Summer School (GSS) workshops. GSS is an online experience interconnecting its amazing network of faculty, nodes, laboratories and renowned guests in our largest online educational summer course ever.

Since the first GSS edition, IAAC experts and students have been digitally connected, meeting and sharing expertise in an extraordinary learning global environment of innovators and educators.

For the 2021 edition we are presenting for the second year a new and flexible model, enriching our digital routes within an agile format. The GSS21 offers 4 online courses exploring the impact of novel tools in the definition of a new Advanced Architecture at different scales. This new GSS program will be a celebration of future education dealing with the challenges of the new world reshaping our cities, architecture and technology.

Students and Professionals can decide to apply to 1 or more GSS courses investigating Computational Design, Urban Analytics, Design for Robotics and Environmental Design.

Here is the list of workshops:

Computational Design online workshop

// July 5th-8th

In this workshop we will introduce stereotomic architecture, from its origins in the sixteenth century to the latest design applications and construction technologies. During this course we will focus on the design of shell structures with discretised building blocks that can be produced with 3d printing technology.

Visit Computational Design Workshop

Urban Analytics online workshop

// July 12th-15th

The aim of the course is to introduce participants to the exciting world of geospatial data analytics with a specific focus on the understanding and representation of urban patterns, following the question of what is the nature of the city through the lens of its services and urban fabric.

Visit Urban Analytics Course

Design for Robotics online workshop

// July 19th-22nd

Fabrication through remote controlled robots. (Syllabus out soon!)

Environmental Design online workshop

// July 26th-29th

Starting from the analysis of an existing unused plot or a site selected for rehabilitation, students will formulate the design problem, develop an optimization hypothesis, parametrically explore the wide solution space and propose an optimal solution supported by data.

Visit Environmental Design workshop


Learn more about the GSS21 new edition!

>GSS Director: Aldo Sollazzo

>GSS Coordinator: Laura Ruggeri

> GSS CD workshop: Rodrigo Aguirre, Ashkan Foroughi

>GSS UA workshop: Iacopo Neri, Eugenio Bettucchi

>GSS ED workshop: Oana Taut, Ivan Marchuk