Angel Muñoz is a Programmer from La Rioja in Spain. Passionate about art, science, music and retro-futurism, he started programming (self-taught) at the early age…
Raul Nieves implements cultural prospection in technological areas: interaction and interfaces, domestic digital manufacturing and rapid prototyping, web and mobile technology, ubiquitous computing and the…
Oriol Pastor studied Economics and post degree studies specialised in the cultural industry. Oriol previously worked for Accenture, Deloitte and Pirelli. In 2011, Oriol founded…
Olga Subirós is a curator of projects that take an integrative approach to 21st century culture and the far-reaching transformations of the digital age. She…
Nora O Murchú is a curator and designer based in Ireland. Her practice engages with fictions and narratives to explore how complex sociotechnical systems are imagined,…
Mónica Riki? is a new media artist and creative coder. She focuses her practice on the code, electronics and non-digital objects to create interactive works,…
Jacek Markusiewicz is an architect graduated from Warsaw University of Technology and the Master in Advanced Architecture at IAAC Barcelona. He specialises in fields of…