IAAC | Fab Lab Barcelona, in partnership with Beyond Building Barcelona and Fira de Barcelona present the PAVILION OF INNOVATION 2015, an exhibition of select projects and prototypes as part of the international event BEYOND BUILDING BARCELONA.
The Pavilion of Innovation 2015 will present new ideas and construction paradigms emerging from international excellence in research and pilot projects, forming the basis of future buildings and cities. Novel and reactive materials, advanced digital/robotic manufacturing techniques and responsive environments are the key topics presented, towards shaping the future of the building industry.
A limited number of pioneer academic research projects and prototypes from the BEYOND | CALL FOR PROJECTS, as well as professional built projects and prototypes will be selected and exposed within the Pavilion of Innovation 2015. The aim is to offer a matchmaking space for research and innovative projects to meet construction and technology companies, constructing the bridge connecting innovation with the industry and businesses, and bringing possibilities for projects to be implemented in real world developments.
The Pavilion of Innovation 2015 will also host events such as a symposium, where pioneer architects and designers will be discussing the future technologies and innovation in construction, as well as hosting a series of educational workshops open for all professionals and students, on wearable technology, internet of things, digital fabrication, robotic construction technology, aerial robotics and more to come.
Here a look at some of the exhibitors:
enrico dini
D-Shape: D-Shape is a new robotic building system using new materials to create superior stone-like structures. This new machinery enables full-size sandstone buildings to be made without human intervention, using a stereolithography 3-D printing process that requires only sand and our special inorganic binder to operate. D-Shape is a new building technology which will revolutionize the way architectural design is planned, and building constructions are executed. By simply pressing the “enter” key on the keypad we intend to give the architect the possibility to make buildings directly, without intermediaries who can add interpretation and realization mistakes.
neri oxman
Silk Pavilion :Developed by the Mediated Matter Research Group at the MIT media lab, it explores the relationship between digital and biological fabrication on product and architectural scales. The primary structure was created of 26 polygonal panels made of silk threads laid down by a CNC machine. Influenced by the silkworm’s ability to generate a three-dimensional cocoon out of a single multi-property silk thread, the overall geometry of the intervention was created using an algorithm that assigns a single continuous thread across patches providing various degrees of density. A swarm of 6,500 silkworms were positioned at the bottom rim of the scaffold, spinning flat non-woven silk patches locally reinforcing the gaps across CNC-deposited fibers.
For more information visit: beyond.iaac.net