The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia prepares itself to host the first appointment with the 2016/17 Open Days, inviting you to discover the one of the most advanced European Centres for Education, Research and Fabrication located in Barcelona.

The event will take place on Friday December 2nd, from 16:00 to 21:00 hours, and it is open to students and the general public.

Open Day Program:

@16:00: Welcome by IAAC Academic Coordinator Mathilde Marengo
@16:30: Master in Advanced Architecture presentation by Program Director Areti Markopoulou
@17:00: Master in Advanced Interaction presentation by Program Directors Luis E. Fraguada and Klaus Obermaier
@17:30: Master in City & Technology presentation by Program Director Areti Markopoulou
@18:00: Open Thesis Fabrication presentation by Program Directors Alexandre Dubor and Edouard Cabay
@18:30: Guided Tours and Demos @IAAC & Fab Lab Barcelona
@19:30: Networking with IAAC Alumni and Q&A
@20:00: Drinks, food trucks and BounceyBox Music

Our next Open Day will give to candidates interested in pursuing their postgraduate studies in IAAC the chance to discover the Institute, receive a presentation about the Educational Programs and meet Faculty and Alumni.

Have a glimpse into last year’s event and don’t miss out on your chance to visit IAAC!

Registration is mandatory in order to attend, please fill out the registration form here.