#spaceBootcamp January 2012 is an intensive 10 day workshop. The program starts with an introduction to the FabLab Academy ecosystem by Neil Gershenfled, Sherry Lassiter and Tomas Diez by a video-conference.

Day 1

A guided tour of the fab lab machines and a demonstration of digital fabricated capabilities. The first class was an introduction to online archiving, mercurial and Iceland wiki.
The participants presented their thoughts about the final projects and they were assisted in integrating different fabrication methods and electronics.

Day 2

Class of digital design, 3d scanning, 3d fabrication, 2d subtractive fabrication

Laser cutter
make avatar

Day 3

Class of Fab Lab management and sustainability, rights and intellectual property.
File preparation and fabrication of something big.

Shopbot and Large CNC

Day 4

Examples of applications and implications. Fab Projects: Fab Lab House, FabFi, FabDuino,
SmartCities Barcelona (Model made at the lab), Smart Citizen devices.
Class of Modela/molding and casting
Modela MDX-20 moulding and casting

make an avatar

Day 5

Class of file preparation and fabrication.
Introduction to electronics and circuit design and application development with processing, pachube and opensense.


build animated gif

Day 6

Class of sensors and actuators. Fabrication of components and soldering.

Silk screen printing

make an avatar

Day 7
Class of programming circuits and debugging. Online documentation of projects

make an avatar

Day 8
Project fabrication and system integration

Day 9
Project fabrication and system integration

Day 10
Presentation of final projects by video conference along with the opening of Fab Lab Academy 2012