Alice Bazzica
EU Junior Project Manager

Alice is an anthropologist with expertise in sociology, urban and regional planning, and urban governance. She holds a Master’s degree in Urban Resilience for Sustainability Transitions from the UIC in Barcelona. Her background includes experience with Placemaking Europe, a European network that fosters collaboration among diverse stakeholders in the field of placemaking. Additionally, she has contributed to EU-funded projects focused on urban resilience, community engagement, and Smart City initiatives.

Alice’s vision is to integrate diverse perspectives in urban transformations, prioritising human-centred approaches that consider the needs of people, the environment, and non-human actors for just and inclusive transitions. As a personal endeavour, Alice is part of an activist group in Barcelona with the mission to engage locally and raise awareness about the urban heat island effect in the city’s neighbourhoods.

Alice is working as a Junior European Project Manager in European projects in the AAG team, as well as organising events and conferences.