On Friday, March 29th IAAC celebrates a new edition of its Masters Open Day from 17h to 19h. This is an open doors event for prospective candidates interested in pursuing their postgraduate studies in IAAC and it will give the chance to discover the Institute and meet our Faculty, Masters Coordinators and Alumni.

There will be separate desks for each Master and educational programme at IAAC’s main hall, wherein detailed information about the application process and the educational curricula will be offered with personalised service.

Register for our March 29th Open Day

IAAC Masters Open Day

Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA). This Master programme is oriented towards architects, engineers and designers from all over the world eager to imagine the future of our cities and societies and committed to building it in the present. During this time IAAC has received over 1,000 students from more than 70 countries, making it an exceptionally international and multicultural place. Click here to learn more.

Master in Advanced Architecture 2019-20

Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings (MAEB). The Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings aims for a more ambitious and comprehensive approach of energy and ecology for the built environment, as current discourses on sustainability and design do not yet adequately frame these questions. Click here to learn more.

Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings

Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC). The Master is focused on the emerging design and market opportunities arising from novel robotic and advanced manufacturing systems. This programme challenges the traditional processes in the Construction Sector; it investigates how robotics and new digital fabrication tools change the way we build and develops the design tools and processes for such new productions methods. Click here to learn more.

Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction

Master in Design for Emergent Futures (MDEF).  The programme is recommended for designers, sociologists, computer scientists, economists, anthropologists, technology entrepreneurs and changemakers who are looking to develop an interdisciplinary career path to conceive and produce impactful ideas to transform the world. Click here to learn more.

Master in Design for Emergent Futures

Master in City & Technology (MaCT). In an effort of understanding the needs for the habitability of the 21st-century cities and the significant role of technology for the formation of the new urban environments MaCT is oriented in training change makers that City Government Administrations, the Industry and Communities need in order to develop projects for the transformation of the cities. Click here to learn more.

Master in City and Technology