Mathilde Marengo, Head of studies at IAAC, will participate in “Transforming Economy from Learning” conferences on Wednesday June 6 organized by Barcelona’s Centre Ernest Lluch – International University Mendez Pelayo Consortium (CUIMPB).
The teaching of Economics at universities and business schools has been fundamentally affected by the recent economic and financial crisis. The demand for disruptive contents and new pedagogical methods which bring students into the real economy are gradually becoming more popular. This new mindset within university has been strengthened, in great part, thanks to new student and faculty associations and movements such as Economics or Reteaching Economics, which are taking action on reshaping traditional educational methods.
The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) participates in these sessions as part of an innovative network of centres in the city of Barcelona that are constantly evolving and offering transforming educational experiencies as a way of contributing to the debate on changing teaching approaches.
From a more technological point of view and focused on the studies offered by IAAC (architecture, design, urban planning, robotics, etc.), Mathilde Marengo will outline her presentation on four basic points: systemic design (multidisciplinarity & multiscalarity and design through research), IAAC’s “learning by doing approach” (real case studies, the city as a lab and engagement with the industry), horizontal learning structures (students as researchers learning together), distributed learning models (globally connected educational nodes but locally contextualized).