The 2012 edition of the FabLab Bootcamp will take place between the 7th and 14th of November at the Barcelona FabLab.
The Bootcamp is a very intense 7 day workshop originally designed as a crash course for new FabLab managers and provides all the tools needed to operate and manage a FabLab in the shortest amount of time possible.
FAB LAB Barcelona BootCamp
The 2012 edition of the FabLab Bootcamp will take place between the 7th and 14th of November at the Barcelona FabLab.
The Bootcamp is a very intense 7 day workshop originally designed as a crash course for new FabLab managers and provides all the tools needed to operate and manage a FabLab in the shortest amount of time possible.


This is a condensed version of the FabAcademy program, all of the units, tools and processes are covered by the same local instructors. This makes makes the Bootcamp great for those who would like to find out a little more before committing to the 2013 FabAcademy course or for those who unfortunately do not have the time to commit to it but would still like to get involved.
The Bootcamp is open to anyone, no previous experience is required. To make a reservation go here: To sign up or for questions please email [email protected]

Day 1: Fab lab machines and a demonstration of digital fabricated capabilities. Introduction to online archiving and mercurial. Project proposals.
Day 2: Class of digital design, 3d scanning, 3d fabrication, 2d subtractive fabrication. Class of file preparation and fabrication for Laser cutting.
Day 3: Class of Fab Lab management and sustainability, rights and intellectual property.Class of file preparation and fabrication for CNC milling.
Day 4: Fab Projects presentation: Fab Lab House, FabFi, FabDuino,SmartCities Barcelona, Smart Citizen devices.Class of Modela/molding and casting.
Day 5: Introduction to electronics,circuit design sensors and actuators. Application development with processing, pachube and opensense.
Day 6: Online documentation of projects.Project fabrication and system integration.Silk screen printing
Day 7: Presentation of final projects