IAAC together with BeforeLight and SoaP gets support by the European Cultural Foundation for the project Urban Lightscapes, having been selected among 360 applications.

Within the program of European symposium “Urban Lightscapes” on the 4th November at Onasis Cultural Center, Athens, Areti Markopoulou, MAA Director, will be presenting IAAC research on intelligent systems for urban lighting based on high tech/low cost technologies of interactive design and digital fabrication.

Urban Lightscapes Symposium

How could citizens creatively contribute to the change of their cities’ lightscape?

In the context of Urban Lightscapes Symposium, Beforelight light art group welcomes internationally renowned scientists, artists and theorists from Greece and Europe to the Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, Greece, and invites the public to an open discussion on the design of urban lighting and its effects on the identity of cities. The symposium’s objective is the study of lighting as a powerful tool for the shaping of public space, the emergence of new technologies and ideas in city lighting and the creation of a pan-European, multidisciplinary collaborative network of professionals and light artists. The attendants of the Symposium will have the unique opportunity to hear, among other acclaimed lighting designers and artists, Rogier Van Der Heide the internationally renowned light designer, Chief Design Officer of Philips Lighting and director of the Amsterdam Light Festival.

The Symposium is the first of three chain actions that the project Urban Lightscapes consists of. On November 22 a three-day experimental workshop follows in IAAC in Barcelona, ??where participants will focus on the implementation of new media technology in the construction of exemplary models for urban lighting. At the end of the project, a series of lighting installations will take place in Maastricht, in collaboration with the city’s residents and SoAP social platform. Creative proposals that emerged through the workshop and the experimental laboratory will be implemented at this stage of the project.


The project Urban Lightscapes takes place in collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia- IAAC and SoAP Foundation. It is kindly supported by the European Cultural Foundation having been selected among 360 applications.

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