At IAAC, we are committed to supporting talented and deserving individuals who aspire to join our innovative educational programmes.
IAAC scholarships are merit-based and awarded as partial tuition waivers. These scholarships are highly competitive, reflecting the exceptional quality of our applicants and the limited number of awards available. The scholarship amount granted depends on the applicant’s qualifications and demonstrated need for support.
Most IAAC scholarships are linked to the regular application process for admission to an academic programme. To be considered, applicants must apply for a scholarship at the time of submitting their application to IAAC. Applications for scholarships submitted at a later stage may not be considered.
Applicants will be notified about the results of their scholarship application along with their acceptance documents.
Please note the following:
- Accepted students can only receive one IAAC scholarship or grant.
- IAAC scholarships or grants cannot be combined with partner scholarships.
- Scholarship applications must meet all deadlines and submission requirements. Late applications will not be considered.
IAAC Merit-base Grant

IAAC offers a limited number of merit-based partial tuition fee waivers for students admitted to selected master’s programmes.
Coverage: The partial tuition waiver value is determined based on the merit/quality of the application and the availability of funds allocated by programme.
- Open to applicants of IAAC’s on-campus & online programmes (excluding Fab Academy and Fabricademy).
- Applicants must meet the minimum admission criteria established by IAAC ( ADD LINK!)
- Applicants must have submitted an IAAC programme application before applying for the scholarship.
Application Period:
IAAC’s merit based grant is available throughout the IAAC applications cycle. However, funds are limited and are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Early applications are strongly encouraged.
Note: Applicants wishing to be considered for the IAAC Merit based grant must apply for the grant at the same time they submit their application to an IAAC programme.
Application Process:
Candidates must complete the regular application process to an eligible IAAC programme via the IAAC Application Portal.
Additionally, applicants must submit either a written document (500-700 words) explaining why they believe they should be awarded the merit-based grant. The submission should demonstrate unique strengths, academic achievements, and personal growth. Applicants should highlight specific experiences that showcase their resilience, leadership, and commitment to their chosen field.
IAAC Scholarship Competition
View allIAAC offers a limited number of scholarships for individuals whose project proposals address global challenges in the fields of architecture, design, urbanism, and technology.
Coverage: Partial tuition fee waivers ranging from 40 – 50%
- Open to applicants of IAAC’s on-campus programmes (excluding Fab Academy and Fabricademy).
- Applicants must meet the minimum admission criteria established by IAAC.
- Applicants must have submitted an IAAC programme application before applying for the scholarship.
Application Period: February 3rd – March 31st, 2025
Application Process:
- Before applying to the IAAC Scholarship Competition, candidates must complete the regular application process to an eligible IAAC programme via the IAAC Application Portal
- Submit a document containing a proposal, design strategy, solution, or system based on a project brief assigned by the academic committee of each eligible program. The document should include the strategy/rationale behind the proposal. An additional page can be used to include pictures/illustrations (optional).
- Submit a 30- 45-second video introducing/pitching the proposal, design strategy, or project brief. Applicants should include their names and the programme they are applying for.
To review project briefs and applications forms visit the competition page.
IAAC Woman in Tech Fund
View allCoverage: The partial tuition waiver value is determined based on the merit/quality of the application and the availability of funds allocated by programme.
- Women-identifying candidates from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply
- Open to applicants of IAAC’s on-campus and online programs (excluding Fab Academy and Fabricademy).
- Applicants must have submitted an application to an eligible IAAC programme.
- Applicants must meet the minimum admission criteria established by IAAC
Application Period: The fund is open throughout the application cycle. However, the fund’s resources are limited and awarded on a first-come first serve basis
Application Process: During the regular application for admissions to an IAAC programme, applicants must submit an additional document outlining their vision for gender equality in technology and innovation.
For more information please visit the scholarship page.
IAAC Colette Fund
View allCoverage: Two (2) 100% tuition waivers (excluding travel, visa processing fees, and living costs).
- Applicants must hold a passport from an African country.
- Applicants must meet the minimum admission criteria established by IAAC.
- Applicants must have submitted an application to the Postgraduate in 3D Printing Architecture (3DPA) programme.
Application Deadline: Applicants must submit a complete application by March 31st, 2025.
Application Process: During the regular application for admissions to an IAAC programme, applicants must submit an additional document outlining their vision for 3D Printed, Sustainable Architecture.
For more information please visit the scholarship page.
Partner Scholarship
Applications to partner scholarships are not connected to an application for admissions to IAAC. Interested applicants must submit an application to IAAC via our applications portal. Additionally, they must complete an application or submission to a partner scholarship.
Applications received after the closing date of a scholarship application period will not be considered.
Elisava Scholarship
IAAC partners with the Elisava School of Design to offer a scholarship exclusive to applicants to the Master in Design for Emergent Futures (MDEF).
- Coverage: One (1) 50% discount on the programme tuition fees
- Eligibility: Open to applicants for MDEF01 or MDEF02.
- Application Deadline: March 25th, 2025
Application Process:
Applicants must fill in the Elisava Scholarship Form and select MDEF as their programme of interest.
Applicants must adhere to the scholarship application deadlines and submission requirements. Late applications will not be considered.
Note: Partnership scholarships are non-combinable with IAAC Merit-based Scholarships, IAAC Funds, or financial assistance.

External Funding Opportunities
Below are a few resources you may find useful when doing your independent search for scholarships:
Spanish Studies Abroad has awarded over $230,000 in scholarships since 2001 via its two scholarships, the Merit-Based Scholarship and the Diversity Scholarship, for academic programmes in Spain, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Argentina.
More information can be found here: https://spanishstudies.org/
The Fulbright Program offers grants to qualified U.S. students and young professionals to pursue independent research in Spain.
More information can be found here: https://us.fulbrightonline.org/about/fulbright-us-student-program
CIEE’s need-based grants offer support to students who face financial barriers to studying abroad. The application processes for these grants all require proof of Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Estimated Family Contribution (EFC), as displayed on the applicant’s FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR). That’s because the CIEE awards need-based grants based on students’ EFCs and program selection.
More information can be found here: https://www.ciee.org/go-abroad/college-study-abroad/scholarships/how-apply?utm_source=gooverseas&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=study&utm_content=spain-scholarships-article
Grant from the Latin-American Postgraduate University Association (AUIP)
This association offers various programmes such as the Movilidad entre Universidades Andaluzas y Latinoamericanas (Mobility between Andalusian and Latin-American Universities) and the Movilidad Académica entre Instituciones Asociadas a la AUIP (Academic Mobility between Institutions associated to the AUIP).
More information can be found here: http://www.auip.org/index.php/es/becas-auip
These are aimed at Spanish emigrants whose spouses and children live abroad and wish to pursue university studies in Spain, and do not have the financial resources.
More information can be found here: http://www.mecd.gob.es/portada-mecd/
In terms of loans, please note that bank loans are a common means of financing postgraduate study in Spain. Banks to look at: Banc Sabadell, BBVA, CatalunyaCaixa, La Caixa. However, you may look into the option of applying for a loan in their home country first as many bank loans require evidence of Spanish residency or a long-standing relationship with that bank. You will need to obtain an NIE (Spanish residence permit) for applying for a Spanish loan or other financial activities, such as opening a bank account. Many loans require monthly payments during the study period.
Tuition fees differ by programme and by fee status. Applicants are encouraged to review their programme of interest to confirm their assigned tuition fee.
Accepted students must confirm their enrolment by paying a non-refundable enrolment deposit within four (4) weeks of receiving the acceptance letter. The enrolment deposit is deducted from the total tuition fees for the programme.
The following list outlines the enrolment deposit fees for each programme:
On Campus Programmes Enrolment Deposit: 3.800€ On Campus
Postgraduate Programmes Enrolment Deposit: 2.800€
On-line Programmes Enrolment Deposit: 2.800€
There are two ways to submit a payment for your fees:
1. International bank transfer
Bank: CaixaBank
Account number: 2100 5000 54 0200037560
IBAN (electronic format): ES5121005000540200037560
IBAN (paper format): ES51 2100 5000 5402 0003 7560
Holder : Institut d’Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya
Address: Calle Aribau, 185 08021 Barcelona
Note: Make sure that the bank transferring SUBJECT or CONCEPT is the applicant’s name, and not the person who orders the transfer. Also make sure to select the SWIFT instructions code “OUR” when ordering the bank transfer. This means that you have to pay the transfer charges.
2. Flywire
Accepted students can also submit payment via the Flywire platform using their credit card or other methods of payment supported by the platform.
You can access IAAC´s Flywire portal at: iaac.flywire.com
Some accepted students may be required to take preparatory courses before the start of the academic year. Pre-courses are introductory intensive courses offered to accepted applicants who may need to refine their proficiency in the software and tools central to the IAAC curriculum.
Pre-course fees for the MAA, MAEBB, MaAI, MaCT, MRAC and MDEF programmes
Upon acceptance, applicants will receive a list of mandatory, or recommended, modules along with the
corresponding fees:
- If three (3) mandatory modules are assigned by the Academic Committee, the total fee is €1200. Applicants may choose up to two (2) additional modules at €300 per module.
- If two (2) mandatory modules are assigned by the Academic Committee, the total fee is €1200. Applicants must select one (1) additional module from the list at an extra cost of €400. Applicants can choose a fourth and fifth module at €300 each.
- If one (1) mandatory module is assigned by the Academic Committee, participation in the pre-course is recommended. Applicants can choose two (2) additional modules at an extra cost of €400, making the total fee €1200. They may also choose a fourth and fifth module at €300 each.
- If no mandatory modules are assigned by the Academic Committee, attendance to the precourses is optional. Applicants wishing to participate in the pre-courses can select up to three (3) modules for a total cost of €1200. Additional fourth and fifth modules can be added for €300 each.
Pre-course fees for the 3DPA programme
The total cost for all three (3) modules in the 3DPA Pre-course is €500. Note: Applicants cannot add, remove, or change modules in the 3DPA pre-course.
Pre-course fees for the MaCAD programme
The fees for the MaCAD pre-course modules are as follows:
- 1 module: 200€
- 2 modules: 300€
- 4 modules: 400€