
EU Project

URBiNAT (2018-2023)


URBiNAT focuses on the regeneration and integration of deprived districts in urban development through innovative Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) – an Urban Inclusive Nature – ensuring sustainability and mobilising driving forces for social cohesion.

EU Call

Horizon 2020

Total Funding

13,019,300 € (to be confirmed)

IAAC Department

Advanced Architecture Group




Centro de Estudos Sociais (PT), ICETA – Instituto de Ciencias, Tecnologias e Agroambiente da Universidade do Porto (PT), Camara Municipal Do Porto (PT), CMPH – DomusSocial – Empresa de Habitação e Manutenção do Município do Porto, EM (PT), ITEMS International (FR), Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies, de l’Amenagement et des Reseaux (FR), Nantes Métropole (FR), Universitet Po Architektura Stroitelstvo I Geodezija (BG), Municipality of Sofia (BG), Libera Universita di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM (IT), Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli (IT), Comune di Siena (IT), Universiteit Antwerpen (BE), Ville de Bruxelles (BE), Univerza V Novi Gorici (SI), Municipality of Nova Gorica (SI), Tecnologisk Institut (DK), Hoeje-Taastrup Kommune (DK), SLA A/S (DK), City Facilitators (DK), Foreningen IKED (SE), Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (DE), Give U Design Art, Lda (PT), Universidade De Coimbra (PT), New Growing Systems, S.L (ES).

URBiNAT | Urban Innovative and Inclusive Nature focuses on the regeneration and integration of deprived districts in urban development through innovative Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) – an Urban Inclusive Nature – ensuring sustainability and mobilising driving forces for social cohesion; specifically, on “public space” and on creation of new urban, social and nature relations with and between different neighbourhoods.

To identify NBS that create relevant social, economic and environmental impact and promote human health, the consortium gathers 7 European cities that will develop the co-creation of Healthy Corridors as an innovative and flexible NBS, which integrates itself a vast array of NBS emerging from community-driven design processes. The cities will act as living laboratories, in which ecologic, cultural, social and economic impacts will be assessed.

The project proposes new models of urban development through innovations in the public space, promotes social cohesion through living labs, constituted in the cities, and outspreads within a community of practices and transversal sharing of knowledge. It takes as model processes of experimentation and innovation of methodologies, of co-design and co-implementation, and of interaction between scientific knowledge and wisdom from local communities.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776783

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IAAC Barcelona