Creative Minds

EU Project

Creative Minds – Service Designed Sustainable Start-ups

EU Call


Total Funding


IAAC Department

Fab Lab Barcelona


Creative Minds envisages the creation of motivating and meaningful learning paths for students with different backgrounds in order to act as catalyser for a more digitalised society with a decrease allocation of resources for VETs due to budget constraints in many countries. Creative Minds aims to provide with a cross-sectional structure where real companies, teachers, institutions and students can present inputs and benefit from each other’s synergies. These stakeholders will put into action a customized study plan where they all will be able to fulfil the aforementioned objectives.


Kauppiaitten Kauppaoppilaitos Oy (Finland)
Col·legi Badalonès, S.L (Spain)
Stichting Christelijk Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum Noord-en Oost Nederland (Netherlands)
Louise-Schroeder-Schule, Oberstufenzentrum für Bürowirtschaft und Verwaktung (Germany)
Heavenlinen Oy (Finland)
Skills Finland (Findland)
Een paar ontwerpers v.o.f (Netherlands)
4 your Office – Inh. G.Lupp (Germany)
Maiham Oy (Finland)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under grant agreement No. 2018 – 2387 / 001 – 001.