OrganiCity (2015-2019)
OrganiCity brings software, hardware and associated human processes flexibly together into a new living city that is replicable, scalable as well as socially, environmentally and economically sustainable.
Horizon 2020
7,266,583 €
Fab City Research Lab
Aarhus Universitet (DK), Intel Corporation – Intel (UK), Alexandra Institutttet (DK), Future Cities Catapult Limited – FCC (UK), Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (UK, Tecnologias Servicios Telemáticos y Sistemas -TST- Parque Cientifico y Tecnológico de Cantabria (ES), Lulea Tekniska Universitet – LTU (SE), Computer Technology Institute, Press Diophantus (EL), Universitat Zu Lubeck (DE), Comissariat à l’Energie Atomique Et Aux Energies Alternatives – CEA (FR), Universidad de Cantabria (ES), Aarhus Kommune (DK), Ayuntamiento de Santander (ES), University of Melbourne – Australia (AU)
IAAC is among the partners of the European project OrganiCity, developed within the framework of Horizon 2020 Programme. OrganiCity offers a new paradigm to European digital city making. Built on and extending the FIRE legacy, this project seeks to build a strong foundation for future sustainable cities through co-creation by a wide range of stakeholders. Europe is a champion of sustainable, inclusive and open societies; the digital age enables us to push this position further and to rethink the way we create cities and facilitate living by integrating many complex systems.
OrganiCity combines top-down planning and operations with flexible bottom-up initiatives where citizen involvement is key. By focusing on the city as a socio-technical whole, OrganiCity brings software, hardware and associated human processes flexibly together into a new living city that is replicable, scalable and sustainable.
Three clusters – Aarhus (DK), London (UK) and Santander (ES) – recognised for their digital urban initiatives, bring their various stakeholders together into a coherent effort to develop an integrated Experimentation-as-a-Service facility respecting ethical and privacy sensitivities and potentially improving the lives of millions of people. The OrganiCity consortium will create a novel set of tools for civic co-creation, well beyond the state of the art in trans-disciplinary participatory urban interaction design. The tools will be validated in each cluster and integrated across the three cities.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 645198.