Media House

The Media House Project is the fruit of a strategic alliance between the Metapolis Group from Barcelona, the MIT Media Lab, and the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya, with the collaboration of the consortium 12CAT and the Elisava design school, in order to build a prototype of an informational house.

IAAC Barcelona
IAAC Barcelona
IAAC Barcelona

The house is the computer, the structure is the network.

This project enables the testing of the proregression of information technologies beyond that of computers and integrates them into everyday life, literally looking to build computers from the components of buildings, in such a way, that the logical intelligence of a structure can grow with its physical form.

The technologies that Media Lab are developing include techniques to distribute the work of some central servers, to dramatically reduce costs and also the complex task of equipping them with internet access, so that it is possible to integrate them into the simplest of the existing elements in “intelligent spaces”.

The Metapolis architects have developed an informative structure, which incorporates in just one element the physical structure, the electrical network, and the data network, which enables a dynamic and configurable link between the entities (people, objects, space, limits, networks and contents) and that which creates an inhabitable environment.