The Valldaura Labs are currently being used as a testing bed for further research and development in the areas of Self Sufficiency, Internet of Energy, Internet of Water and Digital Fabrication. Among these areas is Hydrogrid.

HydroGrid is a project which promotes the development of a new holistic concept of water management, considering unit-level solutions, with a multi-scalar applicability.
In relation to the current management system, HydroGrid proposes the combination of four innovative concepts:
- management is proposed based on the diversification of water sources from the fact that not all applications require the same quality water.
- it has proposed the concept of recycling and reuse of water, similar to the current management model in the field of waste.
- treatment and reuse in-site. Instead of gathering all the different water flow rates and lead as a unit to centralised treatment facilities, this concept provides treatment site reuse.
- provisioning intelligence in each of the scales of the water cycle to allow the active management of consumption.
The project aims to develop a test-bed in Valldaura where all the project concepts and technologies will be put into practice in a single system.