Europa Redes y Gestores

EU Project

Europa Redes y Gestores – Europa Centros Tecnológicos 2019 (2019-2020) – ECT2019-000484


Europa Redes y Gestores – Europa Centros Tecnológicos 2019

Total Funding

129.117,24 €

IAAC Department



This project aims to protocolize the structure of the Unit of European Projects at IAAC in order to expand its mission to become a foundation for researchers and innovation personnel. The focal objective of this fund is to provide IAAC with a basis for the implementation of the Strategic Agenda for Research within H2020.

To this end, the project pursues to set up a department which guarantees the efficient life-cycle management of H2020 projects throughout the fostering of the Unit of European Projects structure. Among its activities, Redes y Gestores will promote the redesigning of the Unit with a wide array of activities aiming at fulfilling this goal, such as personnel training, network events or workshops, among others.

This grant has been awarded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation through the State Agency for Research that approved the call for actions to revitalise Europe Networks and Managers – Europe Centres Technological projects for 2019 within the State Sub-Programme for Knowledge Generation, within the framework of of the State Programme for the Generation of Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of R&D&I system of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020.
Europa Redes y Gestores – Europa Centros Tecnológicos 2019 aims to provide research centres with the necessary knowledge for effective promotion, preparation, support and management of European projects, so that research bodies can improve their chances of obtaining Community funding.

Within this framework, the aid enables IAAC to continue to position itself as a reference centre for innovation and research.
Through this grant, the IAAC aims to consolidate and protocolize the structure of the Unit of European Projects at IAAC in order to expand its mission to become a foundation for researchers and innovation personnel; improving its positioning in the field of H2020 projects and contributing to increase the participation of Spanish SMEs in these projects.

Europa Redes y Gestores – Europa Centros Tecnológicos 2019 aims to the focal objective of this fund is to provide IAAC with a basis for the implementation of the Strategic Agenda for Research through the H2020 programme funds.

The project pursues to set up a department which guarantees the efficient life-cycle management of H2020 projects throughout the fostering of the Unit of European Projects structure. Among its activities, Redes y Gestores will promote the redesigning of the Unit with a wide array of activities aiming at fulfilling this goal, such as personnel training, network events or workshops, among others.