EU Project

DSISCALE (2018-2019)


The DSI Scale is an open source tool that facilitates the assessment of DSI projects, taking into account values like knowledge sharing, technological openness and societal impact.

EU Call

Horizon 2020

Total Funding

799,741.24 €

IAAC Department

Fab City Research Lab


NESTA (UK), Gut.org (DE), Stichting Waag Society (NL), WeMake (IT), Barcelona Activa (ES), Fundacja ePa?stwo (PL)

The DSISCALE project aims to support policymakers, funders and, most importantly, practitioners to scale digital social innovation (DSI) and collective awareness platforms (CAPs) in Europe and to make the most of the opportunities in using tools such as open data open hardware to address some of Europe’s biggest social challenges. Building on existing support initiatives such as www.digitalsocial.eu, it will do this by developing Europe wide innovation clusters focusing on collaboration and peer learning between funders, policymakers and practitioners on methods for scaling DSI, developing the DSI index for measuring the macro level system conditions for DSI and a series of ‘DSI futures’ which will explore future scenarios for DSI in Europe and map the emerging digital technologies that are enabling new forms of digital social innovation.

Specifically, DSISCALE will create and facilitate an online community hub for DSI in Europe by continuing the work of www.digitalsocial.eu and develop an index for measuring capacity for DSI. These key DSISCALE objectives will be achieved by bringing together resources and knowledge across different fields, technologies and disciplines, including ICT and social sciences, digital democracy the maker movement and innovation policy from across the national and European networks.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 780473.

IAAC Barcelona