
IAAC Barcelona

A new industrial revolution that puts citizens at the core of sustainable transformation.

The Challenge

To engage with historic industrial cores of European cities in an effort to become a part of a new industrial revolution that puts citizens at the core of sustainable transformations.

Our Solution

A citizen-driven approach that showcases the potential of having local makers be key suppliers of European cities’ goods. The project works to leverage heritage as a catalyst for innovation and social inclusion.

Type of Project

Innovation Action for Societal Challenges in climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under Grant Agreement 869595.

Tools and Framework

The project will explore the visual identity of place, education of vocational training, create a network of participating cities, build a blueprint for repetition to be used in other localities and create a living archive of the work.

IAAC Barcelona

The Project

CENTRINNO is a four-year European funded research project focused on industrial historical sites undergoing transformation. It will showcase the potential of these historic areas to become part of a new industrial revolution that puts citizens at the core of a sustainable transformation. Leveraging the potential of underutilised historic spaces to become creative production and manufacturing hubs, CENTRINNO envisions sustainable and inclusive futures for the city and its residents. CENTRINNO will test and assess innovative strategies, approaches and solutions for an urban regeneration processes in nine European cities. Action research happens at the neighbourhood level, the project will adopt the principles of a circular economy in new urban transformation processes of industrial historic sites into productive and creative hubs.

Our Contribution

Our role in CENTRINNO is in communication and effective knowledge dissemination and also to play a key role in being one of the nine testbed cities. We will focus our research specifically on our local Poblenou neighbourhood and in particular how we might connect local vocational training with the challenges our rapidly changing and formerly industrial urban fabric faces. Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC has extensive experience in researching and deploying technologies and methodologies which empower the local citizen to engage with circular economy strategies. From our work with other European-funded projects like Smart Citizen and Making Sense, to ongoing projects like Siscode, putting the citizen at the forefront of actionable change in the city is at the core of what we do.

Who is it for?

CENTRINNO, gives centre stage to craftsmen/craftswomen, vocationally trained professionals, entrepreneurs, makers, SMEs, Fab Labs, Food Labs and Makerspaces to become key players in the cities supply of local goods. The project moves beyond theoretical ideals of circular economies, and supports these groups to take on a fundamental role in our future cities, thus opposing disengagement and stagnation of local economies.

Pilot Cities

The project will take place in 9 pilot European cities, each looking to tackle location specific problems ranging from fostering local food productions, to reviving textile industries aiding in economic production. The pilot cities are Amsterdam, Barcelona, Milan, Paris, Copenhagen, Geneva, Blönduós, Tallinn and Zagreb.

IAAC Barcelona
IAAC Barcelona
EU Call


Total Funding

€ 8.261.142,50

IAAC Department

Fab Lab Barcelona


Comune Di Milano, Institut D’Arquitectura Avançada De Catalunya, Departament D’EducaciÓ- Generalitat De Catalunya, Poblenou Urban District, Stichting Waag Society, Stichting Pakhuis De Zwijger, Stichting Hout- En Meubileringscollege, Manifattura Digitale In Ex Ansaldo Rete Di Imprese, Fab City Grand Paris, Volumes, Sony Europe Bv, Kobenhavns Kommune, Design Society Fond, Onl’Fait, Au Fil Du Geste, Ressources Urbaines-Coopérative Genevoise D’Artistes Et D’Acteurs Culturels, Textilmiostoo Islands Og Pekkingarsetur A Blonduosi, Haskoli Islands, Nyskopunarmidstod Islands, Tallinna TehnikaÜLikool, Tallinna Linn, Fablab Udruga Za Pomicanje Digitalne Fabrikacije, Sveuciliste U Zagrebu Arhitektonski Fakultet, Stichting Metabolic Institute, Stichting Amsterdamse Hogeschool Voor De Kunsten, Europaiko Diktyo Dimiurgikon Komvon

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