Amp Leaf
Introducing a new cycle of architecture eco-infrastructure that promotes the regeneration of local and native plant species within the Valldaura region.
Wind vibration energy acts as a platform for new dialogue between ecological systems and human interaction. AmpLeaf is a synthesised smart surface which is integrated into the anatomy of the forest to experiment from within using energy directly harvested from the ecosystem and its many agents rather than energy from existing power grids.
With the rise of a new generation of technologies capable of integration on a nano-level, we, as designers, are able to think about our environments on a different scale and recognise the emergent logic which can be tapped into for experimentation. This project aims to make sense of impacts on the ecosystem, encouraging birds and animals to gather around targeted flora and fauna native to (or marginalised from) the Valldaura region. The goal is to develop infrastructure that works in sync with existing systems, lessening the disparity between densities of biodiversity in the region and creating a richer, more competitive environment.
The site occupies an optimal spot for the exploration of biosphere rejuvenation through passive systems. Located in the Collserola National Park, it is one of many sites that have experienced a notable decrease in diversity of plant and animal life due to nearby development. Many studies by CERFA and the Park Consortium have correlated the subdivision and transformation of land with the marginalisation of specific species, their resulting relocation and, in some cases, disappearance from the area.
Through simple, integrated and ecologically sensitive interventions, this project aims to catalyse the slow process of bio-regeneration. Conceptually, it follows four basic pillars of environmental design:
Key Terms of Study:

AmpLeaf is designed to fit the needs of on-site customisation and adaptability. All components are included in a minimally packaged format. Each ‘control’ sheet is embedded with the electronics required for energy harvesting, conversion and light and sound emission. One additional sheet without electronics is provided and can be installed on the control sheet to enhance material reverberation and increased production.

Energy production with AmpLeaf is simple. As wind flows over and between the surfaces, vibration occurs along the rigid materials, activating the nano-generation piezos. Energy is transferred to the ‘control’ corner, where it is then stored for use in powering lights and sounds. An integrated LDR light sensor in the FLORA micro-controller takes a light reading after each programmed sleep interval (typical interval is approximately 30 minutes). Based on a value of 1 (daytime), the speaker is activated, playing the programmed bird sound. Based on a value of zero (night), the neopixel LEDs are activated until the next reading.

Unlike conventional wind energy harvesters, this device is quiet and embedded into nature. Using wind vibration energy offers a solution to micro-production of energy which operates at a very low frequency and high level of integration due to the fact that it responds not only to wind speed but also to its direct environment. The cycle of output from the device is directly linked to the amount of energy input in the surrounding by wind, movements of animals, and human-induced environmental changes.
Ecological Agents of Interest:
- Flora and Fauna: The park regions used to be home to a number of species which have now been virtually eliminated. Though human intervention has attempted to bring these species back, we are interested in passive, biological stimulants to the process. Native Species of Interest: Apricot Tree, Acerola Plantae, Sweet Chestnut Tree, Cherry Tree, Guava Tree, Raspberry Tree, Wolfberry Tree, Pomegranate, Apple Tree, Chilean Guava, Common Walnut, Pear, Common Plum, Wine Grape, Gooseberry.
- Birds: Because of their response to blooming and fruit-bearing trees, we are interested in using a back-to-basics concept of attracting birds through sound waves, and utilising their social nature to passively expand the biological networks at Valldaura. Native Species of Interest: European Stonechat, Warbler, Nightengale, Wren, Robin, Goldfinch.
- Small Mammals and Insects: The possibility of interacting with small mammals and insects is intriguing. An increase in insect populations will attract more birds to the area. Small mammals will contribute to the zoochory and biotic pollination by digesting seeds and berries. Native Species of Interest: Wild boars, Foxes, Rabbits, Small Rodents.
Furthermore, to its ecological programs, the surface performs another function at night. When light levels reach a certain low, energy from the storage device will be directed towards the production of lights through Neopixel LEDs which are sewn into the fabric. The intention is to create spaces which are usable by both humans and animals for the enrichment of the biodiversity of the area.

2-YEAR: The 2-year plan for growth of this intervention includes the installation of surfaces in three specific trees in order to create a triangulated area in which to study. The target area includes the hilltops in the south and south-east of Valldaura campus (pictured). The surface should be checked once per week to ensure that the components are operational and the systems should be replaced after 2 years at the end of the winter season. This will ensure maximum efficiency during peak mating seasons.
15-YEARS: Two centuries ago, most of the Valldaura region was occupied by vineyards and farmland which were self-sufficient and home to over 800 species of fauna. The future cultivability of the land is dependant on the strength of the ecological network. This 15-year plan includes a number of extensions of the focused areas surrounding Valldaura campus which will form a framework for biodiversity development, strengthening the fertility of the soils and the natural mineral cycles.

Amp Leaf is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and developed in the introductory Studio of the Master of Advanced Architecture programme in 2014 by:
- Kateryna Rogynska
- Ramin Shambayati
- Robert Douglas McKay
- Sahil Sharma
- Javier Peña
- Rodrigo Rubio
- Oriol Carrasco