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IAAC on the Future of Architecture and Construction at Rebuild 2023

IAAC Barcelona

The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC)’s Director, Daniel Ibáñez, took part in three different round table discussions focused on the future of construction during the National Congress of Advanced Architecture and Construction 4.0, held in the framework of the Rebuild 2023 expo.

In this edition, the Rebuild summit brought together various participants from the construction industry value chain to explore cutting-edge construction systems, emerging technologies, and new materials. The expo offered a unique opportunity for industry players to discover the latest innovations in construction.

IAAC Barcelona
IAAC Barcelona

During Rebuild 2023, IAAC Director, Daniel Ibáñez, took part in three round table discussions that shed light on the latest trends and challenges in the construction industry.

In the first roundtable, Daniel joined the presentation of the Consejo de Innovación de REBUILD (Innovation Council of REBUILD), which aims to promote innovation and sustainability in the construction sector. The council brings together experts and professionals from various fields to discuss and propose solutions to the most pressing challenges facing the industry today.

In the second talk “Mass Madera. The No-Limits of wood for the low impact of your buildings” moderated by Gonzalo Anguita Alegret (Executive Director at FSC España), Ibáñez discussed, together with Xavier Aguiló Aran (UK Managing Director Socotec), Manuel Lobo Parra (Consultant in wooden structures at FINSA) and José Aguilar García (Leading Architect at Agvar Arquitectos) how we can describe the transition from traditional materials to those that meet the demands of sustainability, cost, and future maintenance as a significant challenge.

The third talk, moderated by Miquel Àngel Julià Hierro (Concept Architect at MAJH), focused on “Co-developed Construction”, a collaborative approach to industrialized construction. Daniel Ibáñez highlighted, together with Pablo Elvira Codina (Commercial Director at Porcelanosa Offsite) and Jacinto Seguí (Technical Consulting Director at Finsa), the importance of involving manufacturers and fabricators in the production of 2D and 3D components, and discussed one of the most interesting examples of Co-developed Construction currently underway in Spain.

Overall, these discussions showcased IAAC’s commitment to promoting innovation and sustainability in the construction industry, and provided valuable insights into the latest trends and challenges in the field.

About Rebuild

REBUILD provides a unique platform of innovation to invigorate the sector of construction, renovation and the energy efficiency of houses and buildings. It is a place where the professional of the sector is provided with a specialized environment where to find the latest products, materials, solutions and services.

About Mass Madera

Mass Madera is a national network of pioneering experts, companies and organizations whose main mission is to accelerate the use of industrialized solid wood as a solution to reduce CO2 emissions associated with construction. Mass Madera is directed by IAAC, promoted by Built by Nature and supported by Dirección General de Agenda Urbana y Arquitectura – MTMAU, European Forest Institute and Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España.