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IAAC Lecture Series – Chris Precht

IAAC Barcelona

IAAC Lecture Series – Chris Precht

Date: Thursday, 19th of October, 2023
Time: 19.00h (CEST)

Title: “Architects Anonymous”

Location: In-house at IAAC Main hall, C/ Pujades 102 & Zoom

IAAC Barcelona
IAAC Barcelona
IAAC Barcelona
IAAC Barcelona

Chris Precht is the co-founder of Studio Precht. He is husband to Fei, father to Tio and Emma and an architect in the mountains of Austria.

The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) is delighted to present his lecture in the framework of the Opening Events of the Academic Year 2023-24.


19:00 Doors Open
19:10 Welcome and Introduction by Daniel Ibañez, IAAC Director
19:30 Opening Lecture by Chris Precht
20:15 Q&A session
20:30 Refreshments

Architects Anonymous

Architecture events often present idealistic standards of perfection, concealing the challenges architects face beneath the surface. Chris Precht, with six years of experience in Studio Precht, has learned that the initial enthusiasm of architecture often gives way to a heavy responsibility. Creatives protect their work in a competitive industry, showing confidence and success while keeping as private their failures and conflicts. In this lecture, Chris Precht aims to share the shift in perspective that parenthood has revealed to him, underlining the value of sharing struggles and vulnerability alongside successes as a way to grow. Read the full statement in his post.