Recently the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) hosted the Graduation Ceremony celebrating the achievements of students from its diverse Master’s and Postgraduate programmes. This long-awaited occasion brought together faculty, staff, students and their loved ones to honor the journeys and accomplishments made during the past academic year.

The ceremony featured speeches from select students, each reflecting on their unique experience at IAAC. In the following article, we are sharing with you a selection of highlights from that day.

Ainhoa Arnaiz Lecuona from the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC) programme shared her transformative IAAC journey. Inspired by interactions with leading professionals and classmates, she developed a newfound appreciation for creativity in technology.

“As an engineer, they tell you that functionality is all that matters. And until recently, I actually believed that. Even in robotics, I have always focused on functionality and efficiency, leaving other aspects aside. But here, I’ve discovered that robotics can not only be fun, but more importantly that robotics can also create art.”

Sharon Megan Wong and Azucena Ospina from the Master in City and Technology (MaCT) delivered a speech full of humor and heartfelt gratitude celebrating the friendships and collaborative spirit cultivated during their studies. They recounted their shared experiences throughout their time at IAAC – from late-night study sessions to cultural exchanges and adventures around Barcelona.

“We shared so many meaningful dinners, potlucks, 3 AM singing, model making sessions and discussions,” Azucena reminisced. “These moments made us realize that what we were searching for was more than a career shift – it was an unfiltered connection.”


IAAC’s educational value was put into words by Oliver Lloyd, a student from the Master in Design for Emergent Futures (MDEF), whose speech was a great transition into a night full of joyous celebration.

“Possibility without fear. I think that’s a good way to describe the approach that’s been taught to us by our wonderful teachers and embraced wholeheartedly by our cohort in exploring the roads not yet taken when we look to the future. Be that through the vast sea of AI, or through building living computer hybrids, each and every one has embraced experimenting and prototyping to build the futures they want to see, embracing the notion that failure is part of the process and not something that we should shy away from.” 


Mohammed Basaffar of the Master in Design for Distributed Innovation (MDDI) programme emphasized the importance of genuine social connections in facing contemporary challenges. Reflecting on his journey from Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) to Barcelona, he underscored the power of community involvement and small gestures.

“For many years, I had concerns about educational systems and programmes, questioning how they could equip seekers of knowledge and skills to face the current world challenges. After my successful completion of the MDDI programme and getting introduced to other programmes & initiatives of IAAC, Fab Foundation and Fab City, I now believe there is a way.” Mohammed stated, acknowledging the support of his family, friends, and the IAAC community.


The 2024 IAAC Graduation Ceremony was not only a celebration of academic achievements but a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation. The diverse voices and stories shared throughout the day will inspire the future generations of IAAC students.

Photos © Clara Orozco


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