Ambiences // Editorial Team

Through displaying an architecture and urban metabolism that are based on notions of behavior, performance as well as on specific, literal and hyperrealistic protocols, “Black Ecologies” describes a new natural environment co-produced by all ecological, biological, technological and cultural agents. It verifies that there is no such thing as an outside, that there is no naked life, that there is no pure and transcendent nature that must be returned to.

The different formats that constitute the new IAAC BITS respond to criteria of documentary coherence and expository clarity: INTRO, main introductory inputs that help to frame each topic; PAPERS, a set of content dedicated to background articles and theoretical contributions, argued culturally, scientifically and bibliographically; DIALOGUES/INTERVIEWS exchanges between different approaches and research trajectories; RESEARCH PROJECTS, a sample of projects, experimental proposals and applicative essays.

Authors: Manuel Gausa, Areti Markopoulou, Jordi Vivaldi (editors),
Vicente Guallart, Mitchell Joachim, François Roche, Neri Oxman, Andrew Adamatzky, Marcos Cruz, Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto, Eduardo Kac among others.
Publisher: Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Actar Publishers.


IaaC Lecture Series // Neil Leach

Neil Leach is a Professor at the European Graduate School, Visiting Professor at Harvard University and Tongji University, an Adjunct Professor at the University of Southern California, and NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Fellow.


The Human Swarm // Iacopo Neri

Iacopo Neri is an Italian architect, urbanist and researcher. Currently he is developing his “Master City and Technology” at IaaC and participating as assisting faculty in some seminars.

Responsive Cities Symposium // IaaC Research

IAAC is an international centre for Education, Fabrication and Research dedicated to the development of architecture capable of meeting the worldwide challenges in constructing 21st-century habitability.


IaaC Lecture Series // Philippe Block

The Block Research Group (BRG) at the Institute of Technology in Architecture at ETH Zurich is led by Prof. Dr Philippe Block and Dr. Tom Van Mele. Research at the BRG focuses on several core areas, including analysis of masonry structures, graphical analysis…

ºAtmosphera // Asya Guney

Asya Guney is an architect, researcher and urbanist. During last two years she was developing her 2 years master at IaaC, focusing in the notion of “Atmospheres” as a key argument for advanced architecture.

Torre Baró Self-Sufficient District // IaaC Research

IAAC is an international centre for Education, Fabrication and Research dedicated to the development of architecture capable of meeting the worldwide challenges in constructing21st-century habitability.


Interview // Zoe Romano

Zoe Romano is a co-founder of WeMake, a makerspace in Milan. It is a workshop focused on creating innovation at the intersection between digital manufacturing, wearable technology and the development of local fashion brand communities.


Rethinking mexican techniques // Yessica G. Méndez

Yessica G. Méndez is an is a Mexican architect, researcher and urbanist. During the last two years, she was developing her 2 years master at IAAC, focusing on the notion of “Climate responsiveness” as a key argument for advanced architecture.

Drumming with style // Sergi Jordà

Sergi Jordà is a Catalan innovator, installation artist, digital musician and Associate Professor at the Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona.


Symbiotic Associations // NOUMENA

Noumena is a collective group focused on design, research and education based in Spain, with nodes in Austria, India and Italy. They investigate between the boundaries of new digital paradigms and design strategies applied to architecture.

Responsive Manifolds // Nina Jotanovic

Nina Jotanovic is an architect, researcher and urbanist. During the last two years, she was developing her 2 years master at IAAC, focusing on the notion of “Responsive Manifolds” as a key argument for advanced architecture.

(New) Resilient Landscapes // Giulia Garbarini

Giulia Garbarini is an architect, urbanist and researcher from Italy. Her actual interest lay on the notion of “Resilient Landscapes” as a key argument to deal with contemporary territories.