Tomás Díez, co-founder of Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC and Fab City Research Lab Director, together with Mara Balestrini, project leader of European initiative Making Sense, were among the members of Fab Lab Barcelona team who gave seminars, conferences and workshops on technology for citizen engagement and several topics related to locally productive and globally connected self-sufficient cities, new economies, designing and making, and the fab lab network. Specifically, Tomás Diez took part as panelist and speaker in symposiums, moderation sessions and working groups on topics related to Fab City, Fab Chain, Making New Economies with the purpose to build on the premise that individual change is essential to catalyse a collective transition towards more sustainable lifestyles in cities.
In addition, IAAC’s Master in Advanced Interaction Faculty and Director of Fabtextiles Anastasia Pistofidou has been involved in a wide range of activities in regarding Fabricademy: a transdisciplinary course that focuses on the development of new technologies applied in the textile industry, in its broad range of applications, from the fashion industry and the upcoming wearable market.
IAAC Faculty and Robotic Expert Alexandre Dubor, Director of IAAC Global Summer School and Computational Expert Aldo Sollazzo. “Protoyping a sustainable future” with the participation of Alexandre Dubor as panelist, “Nero Drones Workshop” leaded by Aldo Sollazzo or activities on “Design Material Systems” by Anastasia Pistofidou have been some of the highlights in the Fab 13 programme.
All of IAAC and Fab Lab team members have trained and instructed participants from this edition in a wide range of fields concerning robotic fabrication, drones for construction purposes, parametric design and additive manufacturing.