IAAC advanced nature-based solutions were featured at Transforming Cities, Enhancing Well-being: innovating with nature-based solutions” Forum in A Coruña, Spain, organized by “Think Nature” and “Connecting Nature” Horizon 2020 EU projects.


Chiara Farinea, Head of EU projects at Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, presented IAAC Advanced Nature Based Solutions in the Nature Based Entreprise (NBE) pitch hosted by Galicia’s Fundación Barrié on the occasion of Transforming Cities Forum 2018.

This forum brought together representatives from the European Commission and other international institutions with the aim of addressing diverse topics such as sustainable urbanization in cities, restoration of degraded ecosystems, business frameworks and new governance models for thriving cities with nature-based solutions.

The sessions in which the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia took part provided a platform for cities, small enterprises, civil society organisations and the research community to share insights on the challenges and opportunities in using nature-based solutions to tackle environmental, social and health problems European cities face.

This was a great opportunity to present IAAC Nature Based-Solutions such as bio-photovoltaic modules, supernutrients bioreactors and digital hydroponic orchards. All of them are research carried out in recent years by the Institute that will serve as an example for the development of proposals in the framework of the EU’s H2020 project URBINAT, in which IAAC participates, led by Centro Estudios Sociais in Coimbra, Portugal.