This past Thursday the first edition of the BCN Summer Workshops closed its doors, celebrating this first successful attempt of connecting the brightest minds of Barcelona with enthusiastic, curious and like-minded people from all around the world.

To carry on this mission until the very end, the closing event of this pilot-workshop-series could not be other than a lecture of the worldwide renowned and groundbreaking catalan chef Ferran Adrià, titled Sapiens.

Sapiens is a methodology created by Ferran Adrià after the closure of ElBulli, oriented to the understanding and construction of knowledge in order to foster creativity and innovation.

Sapiens does not remain in the world of gastronomy, it goes much further by allowing analysing, ordering and understanding all creative process, being able to apply to any scope, even to our own lives, to overcome the inertia which prevents us from innovating.

A methodology to understand things, tasks, projects, brands, companies, disciplines. Sapiens is currently allowing elBulliFoundation to document, reorder and reclassify the gastronomic restoration.

The idea here is to go back to the origin of things to acquire the true, pure knowledge and with this base reinvent everything, by start looking at things from another perspective that allows us new uses, processes, and so on.

From a practical point of view, the research method is based on inquiry through questions. The answers to these questions allow to define the object of study and its purpose, contextualization and the analysis of the processes that take part in it. These processes are reflected in a schematic map, where all the information obtained through these questions is sorted, classified and analyzed through a taxonomy.

The approach of the method is holistic; it transcends transdisciplinarity to obtain a vision of the whole, which is different from the parts that compose it. It is also a disruptive method with respect to the traditional academic methodology, where the value of the notion itself does not prevail on the approach.

Many personalities and representatives of the city administration attended the meeting in Valldaura. Among them Marià Martí, Gerent Consorci Parc de Collserola, Albert  Civit, Gerent Incasòl Generalitat de Catalunya, Daniel Mòdol Regidor Arquitectura Paisatge Urbà i Patrimoni Ajuntament de Barcelona, Angel Sanchez Director General BIMSA Ajuntament de Barcelona, Joan Roca Director MUHBA Ajuntament de Barcelona, Christopher Bunzl Director General Mutua de Propietarios, Isabel Buesa Directora General d’Endesa a Catalunya, Vicenç Villatoro Director CCCB, Ione Ruete Directora Construmat Fira de Barcelona, Salvador Rueda Director Agència Ecologia Urbana.