In IAAC Life you can find all of the latest news about our Students, Faculty, Experts and Collaborators. Get an inside look into what’s happening at the Institute. With its offer of cutting-edge Educational Programmes, IAAC gives the next generation of architects and change-makers the space to imagine, test and shape the future of cities, architecture, design and technology.
IAAC Student has been awarded the prestigious UIA 2030 Award for Sustainable Architecture.
IAAC and Fab Lab Barcelona are pleased to announce that Saúl Baeza has joined the Master in Design for Emergent Futures as Co-Director, alongside Guillem Camprodon.
IAAC Alumni Win 2nd Place in Mexico’s Roots & Dreams Competition. The Refugio Sak Nikté project was awarded second place, in a contest focused on innovative architectural solutions.
Discover the final presentation of the Kuka House, a project made by students of the 2023-2024 MAEBB programme.
Desde el lunes 15 hasta el jueves 18 de julio se celebró en Barcelona el tercer Summit REDES – El Urbanismo Próximo.
Discover students’ speeches reflecting on their unique experiences at IAAC, shared during the IAAC Graduation Day 2024.
Discover the community-driven interventions MDEF students presented throughout the 2024 edition of the festival.
The MRAC “Personable Robotics” workshop, led by Dr. Madeline Gannon, explored new models of human-robot companionship.
During the research trips students explored Iceland, the architecture of Bilbao and northern Spain, and the cities of Berlin and London.
La dirección del MOeC se reunió con Álvaro García Resta y Felipe Vera para expandir la agenda académica del programa.
Get to know the groundbreaking projects this year’s postgraduate students worked on and presented at the end of the 6-month intensive program.
In the Fab Academy week devoted to computer-controlled cutting, students learn the ins and outs of both its theoretical and practical aspects.
Read about the shift in design education towards a more integrated approach that MDDI is implementing in its educational structure.
MaCT students constructed a collective glossary mobilizing a variety of formats and presented in the form of an interactive exhibition.
With the guidance of a local host and MDEF faculty, participants delved into a series of local activities, from craft sessions to immersive nature walks.
MAA students went on a site visit to the tallest wooden building in Spain called “Terrazas para la vida” and designed by Urbanitree. The building calle
The MRAC workshop explored the new headquarter of IAAC where the Barcelona Urban Tech Hub will open its doors in 2026.
Los Alumni del MOeC 2022-23 participaron al Festival Concéntrico con la propuesta Contraculturas ¡Viva La Ciudad!
MaCT students worked in Viladecans, a city in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, part of the citiES 2030 platform.
With the guidance of a local host and MDEF faculty, participants delved into a series of local activities, from craft sessions to immersive nature walks.
Find a selection of CNC projects done by Fab Academy students that prove it is possible to master a new skill in just a week.
David Andrés León discusses how computation design can reduce tech barriers in design trends like AI and utilizing web dev in AEC.
Explore how the program balances advanced technologies with social dynamics and covers immediate topics in both urban and rural territories.
The exhibition of MAEBB students, located on the first floor of Casal Dalt de la Villa, will end on April 15th, 2024.
Discover Emma Picanyol’s project making use of the abundance of corn cobs in Catalonia to create a collection of designer handbags.
The first edition of the Master in AI for Architecture & the Built Environment (MaAI) will begin in Barcelona from the Academic Year 2024/25.
MDEF students delved into the practical aspects of community engagement through presentations and visits to various initiatives in Barcelona.
MaCT students have conducted studies on topics including gender sensitivity in the urban environment, such as urban safety, gender violence, and femicide.
Marziah Zad is an IAAC Alumna, faculty of the MaCT and co-founder and director at Ashrafi & Zad Design, located in Tehran.
Fab Academy is committed to documenting and sharing knowledge, fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and hands-on exploration.
Fabricademy’s diversity in terms of knowledge and skills offers many professional opportunities for its alumni to thrive in diverse areas.
Los estudiantes del MOeC han participado en el curso de Urbanismo Ecosistémico, dirigido por Salvador Rueda.
The Master in Design for Distributed Innovation took center stage at DigitalFutures with two captivating panel discussions exploring the crossroads between technology, humanity, and a new economy.
Over four days, the students immersed themselves in speculative exploration at the intersection of technology and magic.
Creating new synergies between students of Fabricademy and Elisava, its alumni, and professionals to develop new partnerships in Catalunya.
3DPA started the collaboration with WASP in 2021-22 building TOVA.
MaCT has four new thematic areas, reflecting the programme’s dedication to innovation and addressing real-world urban challenges.
Madeline Gannon’s workshop empowered students in shaping their distinctive perspectives on the future of human-robot relations.
In only 5 months learn how to use digital fabrication to create projects contributing to the creation of sustainable cities and communities.
Channeling the acquired knowledge, each student works on developing their own project with the mentoring of local and global experts.
The 2-day workshop, promoted by IAAC and hosted by Valldaura Labs, was organized to discover the practices of Studio Claudy Jongstra.
Take a look at 5 reasons that will make you better understand why MDDI is a revolutionary program in the field of design and technology.
At the Prototypes For Humanity in Dubai, the Alumni of MAA presented their Digital Matter Studio project “Urban Cascade”.
Julia Steketee shares her experience as an MDEF student and Fab Lab Barcelona staff member while allowing us to take a peek into her practice.
ACESD Theory Seminar explores the dynamic interplay among architectural design, technology, and the production of the built environment.
The visit to Materfad emphasized the effective implementation of sustainability through the utilization of locally sourced materials.
Gizem Demirkiran, a 2-year student of the MAA, has been awarded with the Santiago Zapata Prize for her reasearch work “Corteza”.
“Fostering Symbiosis for Ecosystem Revival” was presented at ACADIA 2023 “Habits of the Anthropocene” Conference.
MDDI students are part of a global network of change-makers while learning and practice in their own context.
First-year students of MRAC had the opportunity to visit ABB and Tallfusta as part of the Studio I ‘Hybrid Workflows’.
Fab Academy Alumni, Aurel Richard, shares insights from his 5-month Postgraduate at Fab Lab Barcelona.
The directors of 3DPA have been interviewed by Cactus Media for Stoneweg TV about the transformative impact of innovative technologies.
MDEF Alumni had the opportunity to invite visitors to learn about and engage with their future-shaping projects.
The students of MaCT participated in a workshop organized in the framework of the first Biennial of Young Architecture of Catalonia.
IAAC welcomes the change makers of 2023-24 with a record number of more than 330 students coming from 64 different countries.
José Antonio Gras y Mariana Barrera se incorporan al cuerpo docente de la Maestría Online en Ciudades.
Students have been developing a foundational understanding of design and its relationship with natural, technological and social ecosystems.
In early September, the 2022-23 students of MAEBB celebrated the Graduation Day and the inauguration of their final thesis project: MO.CA.
Haryeri Nadeishda Gómez Ortiz es la ganadora de la tercera edición de la Beca Jaime Lerner para la Maestría Online en Ciudades (MOeC).
El martes 25 de julio se celebró la graduación del MOeC en Valldaura en el marco del segundo Summit REDES – El Urbanismo Próximo.
MaCT thesis students joined EU-Funded Project Green Skills for Cities pioneering nature-based strategies for a climate-resilient Genoa.
The students embark on an educational journey, honing their abilities to craft innovative, sustainable and efficient architectural solutions.
Franz Forsberg provided not only technical expertise but also invaluable entrepreneurial wisdom to inspire and motivate the students.
IAAC hosted its 4th Global Alumni Meeting, featuring an impressive lineup of Alumni who came back to Barcelona to presented their latest works.
Every year, MDEF offers students the opportunity to connect to a unique landscape and ecosystem. This year, the chosen space was El Hierro.
In recent years, the intersection of technology, robots and art has resulted in some of the most groundbreaking and thrilling performances.
Roberto Broce is a bio designer and materials researcher. Using his long-standing fascination with fungi, he came up with his current project Mic Board.
Edwin Hernandez and Javier González teach the “Cloud Applications for Architecture: ShapeDiver” course to MAA02 Students.
Each edition of the Fab Academy have a diverse environment that enrich the experience of all the participants and enable them to benefit from a broad variety of perspectives and talents.
Using the success of the distributed learning program, MDDI creates a global campus where nodes offer students access to fab lab facilities to prototype and bring ideas to life.
The MAA Digital Matter Research Studio introduces a material-responsive and circular architecture model, offering unique design possibilities.
MaCT is glad to announce new Faculty and new upcoming courses in the programme focused on framing and solving complex urban problems.
Ingrid Paoletti and Olga Beatrice Carcassi will teach MRAC Applied Theory and Sameer Kishore will teach MRAC Hardware II Seminar.
Los estudiantes del MOeC han desarrollado una serie de nuevos términos dentro de cuatro temas clave para el Urbanismo Próximo.
Fab Lab Barcelona presents some of the inspiring women who have completed the Fab Academy and asks them why they chose the path to the tech industry and about their professional future.
The second module of the MaCAD trains students to become proficient in managing Parametric Modelling processes based on Rhino, Grasshopper and BIM.
The Master in City and Techonolgy (MaCT) is glad to announce that the first edition of their podcast, The Master Plan, has been released and is now available on Spotify!
MaCAD provides expertise in the application of the latest digital softwares. Among these there’s Skyglazer, an online skylight configurator.
A new generation of MDEF students started their journey at IAAC. In their first week, they students went through the so-called MDEF Bootcamp.
How we could transition to a new production paradigm, and imagine new processes to reconfigure the relationship between humans and the natural ecosystems?
El Summit Redes ha marcado el final del primer año académico de la Maestría Online en Ciudades: El Urbanismo Próximo, el primer curso en español del IAAC.
IAAC kicked off the 2022-23 Academic Year with a record number of more than 260 students coming from 50 different countries.
This week IAAC is welcoming the first group of students from the 2022-23 Academic Year, coming to Barcelona from all over the world to take part in the Educational Programmes’ pre-course.
MaCT wins the c40 competition with a project based on innovative solutions, urban transformation and self sustainable urbanization.
During the Data Informed Structures Workshops in Nantes, and within the framework of the URBiNAT project, MAA students co-design structures through a series of workshops, exploring different structural typologies and solutions.
In the BIM & Smart Constructions Theory Course, the MaCAD students developed a podcasts series
El tercer módulo del MOeC se centró en el estudio de la ciudad en torno a sus ciudadanos, entendiendo la ciudad como una plataforma participativa y multidimensional.
During the Living Systems Workshop in Porto, and within the framework of the URBiNAT project, MAA students developed healthy corridors for six schools based on nature based solutions.
In the Personable Robotics workshop, Dr. Madeline Gannon taught MRAC researchers how to explore new models of companionship between humans and robots.
La participación del Urban Sciences Lab en la Conferencia Rio 2030 marca el compromiso del Laboratorio y del IAAC en la investigación de las principales cuestiones contemporáneas en torno al concepto de ciudad.
The Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) Faculty Cristian Rizzuti is one of the artists selected for the Athens Digital Arts Festival.
The prestigious Monocle Award for the Smartest Student Project has been given this year to the MAEBB project for the Solar Greenhouse.
IAAC and 3DPA are glad to have recently welcomed in Barcelona the collaborative partners of the Living Prototypes project.
El segundo módulo del MOeC introdujo una visión interdisciplinar con el foco en la Innovación y la Economía Circular, y su impacto en el diseño urbano.
Last week Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) students experienced an unusual week of the academic year – the research trips.
In the MaCAD Postgraduate Building Information Modelling and Smart Construction Module, the students focus their study and research on BIM.
Some of the best MRAC Alumni recently had the chance to present their projects focused on Robotics, Human-Machine interaction and Machine learning.
As a distributed program, MDDI students will experience a mix of online seminars with in-person mentorships and the production of physical prototypes.
The Atlas of the Weak Signals, designed by Mariana Quintero, is a toolkit to understand emerging scenarios based on underlying trends in our current world.
MAEBB students are in the final stages of detailing their own mid-scale residential housing complexes for the Urban Interventions studio.
MaCT and Foster + Partners created a series of proposals on how to bring novel approaches to sustainable living in the micro-district of Lasnamäe, Estonia.
En el segundo Taller de Proyecto del MOeC, se abordó el concepto de vivienda pública como elemento de activación para la economía de una ciudad.
During the Expandable Space Habitats studio, students have been divided in teams, each of which have developed a project: a Lunar base, and an Orbital base.
The MMTD Article “Swedish Symbiosis: 80 Meters of Stacked Forest” by Daniel Ibañez and Maria Cotela Dalmau has recently been featured by the Spanish platform Madera y Construcción.
The MDDI is a distributed learning program focused on the intersection of design, technology, ecosystems and communities to improve interspecies wellbeing.
MDEF Research, Design, and Development Studios that aim to take the student’s research areas of interest and initial project ideas into an advanced concretion point, and execution plan.
El Módulo 1 del MoEC introdujo a los estudiantes una visión más disciplinar de las ciudades desde la perspectiva de la Ecología y el Cambio Climático.
MRAC students spent an intensive week working on autonomous mapping, data acquisition strategies and running drones in the IAAC drone cage area.
The MACT Internet of Cities Studio develops urban projects through a deep understanding of urban theory, a sophisticated application of technology, and innovative design.
This year MAEBB launched the Valldaura Independent Research, a new course to help students with research projects related to Sustainable Design.
MAA Digital Fabrication Seminar enables students to delve into the capabilities and limitations of advanced manufacturing processes.
The IAAC End of Year Exhibition “Transitioning (to) future cities” showcased the best projects of IAAC international researchers.
VALLDAURA LABS in the ZDF public german TV. Follow the journey of Valldaura Labs, the Collserola nature park, IAAC Founder Vicente Guallart and city of Barcelona as the model for a sustainable forest-city. “On the Way to Utopia” – A film by Frank Eggers
El IAAC produce una rampa impresa en 3D para mejorar la accesibilidad en los edificios. El 8 de junio de 2021 la Fundación Mutua de…
MAEBB Final Presentation - Zoom/Facebook Live Event Date: Thursday, September 2nd - 18:00 CET WATCH THE REPLAY HERE. SOLAR GREENHOUSE The students of the Master…
Generative Urban Design // MaCT 2020/21 Seminar Results Each year the students of the Master in City & Technology are introduced to a large variety…
SISCHAIN aims to find a way to help and support the victims of gender violence.
An event that marked our first step towards a research on the advanced experiences in territorial sustainability that are being applied at El Hierro, in the Canary Islands.
Alfredo Brillembourg Visits the Master in City & Technology We are happy to share with you pictures from Alfredo Brillembourg's visit at IAAC as he…
Welcome to IAAC, students of the academic year 2021-2022! Last week we welcomed more than 170 students on campus from more than 50 countries around…
The Internet of People // MaCT 2020/21 Studio Results As we move forward in our efforts to make cities more humane, livable, responsive and resilient,…
The FÉNIX Project presented at the “Terracotta Biennal” of La Bisbal in October 2020. In the renowned context of ceramic crafts of Northern Catalonia, IAAC…
IAAC Webinar - Intro to the Online Master in Mass Timber Design Presenter: Daniel Ibanez - MMTD Director/MAEBB Co-Director Watch the Replay on: FACEBOOK or YOUTUBE…
Designing something ‘almost useful’ How designing for the purpose of "interest" rather than "usefulness" expands our student's skill sets and potential for future impact. Our…
The Collserola natural park, in the surroundings of Barcelona, is the setting for The Voxel project, produced by a team made up of students, professionals,…
Timber preparation for the final project Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings & Biocities The students of the Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities have…
In May of 2021, IAAC and the wider architectural community suffered the loss of Jaime Lerner, renowned Brazilian Architect and Urban Planner. “We know that…
>> MACAD is the world’s first online accredited master programme in the field of AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction), with a focus on Computational Design…
Master in City & Technology Alumni Story // Saul? Gabriel? Petraityt? Over the last 20 years, IAAC has received and been home to more than…
Digital Fabrication in Valldaura Green Fab Lab // MAEBB Class of 2020/21 IAAC's Master in Ecological Buildings & Biocities (MAEBB) challenges students to develop sustainable…
Computational Urban Planning & Design Tools // MaCT01 2020/21 Seminar Results The increasing challenges of planning and designing cities in the era of big data…
3DPA Final Presentations - February 2021 Date: Friday, February 26th, 16:00 - 19:30 (CET) Location: Online Event - Zoom WATCH THE REPLAY ON: YOUTUBE or FACEBOOK…
From IAAC we wish you all the best for this 2021! Entering this new year, we want to reaffirm our commitment to education at the…
Our Masters in Design for Emergent Futures Students recently took a trip to our Valldaura Labs, just outside Barcelona. Guided by Jonathan Minchin, the students…
PUBLIC PLAY SPACE (PPS) is a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and developed by IAAC, BUas and CLAC. Public…
IAAC is Back to School! Since the beginning of September we have slowly been welcoming our class of 2020/21 students to IAAC for on-campus classes.…
Delighted to start our new program this year and to welcome our largest group of researchers from around the world! Ready to explore the world…
Design for Living - Awards Announced The 8th edition of the Advanced Architecture Contest has been organized under the title Design for Living. On July…
IAAC launches DESIGN FOR LIVING : Global Contest to Rethink our habitat, from the body to the city The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia…
The Ecological Interactions researchers use direct observation and computational tools to generate a comprehensive understanding of the entire environment and natural cycles around Valldaura Labs.…
During the lockdown, Valldaura acts simultaneously as a place of residence and research for international students. The students work during these days in the development…
The Norman Foster Foundation Robotics Atelier investigates new ways of reflecting on the physics of architecture, its design and materialization. The Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) Second Year Student Nikol…
Last week, the Master in Design for Emergent Futures (MDEF) students could celebrate with the Fab Lab Barcelona the launch of the latest generation of the Smart Citizen Kit. Started…
Fabio Gramazio, one of the seven members of the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC) Scientific Committee, joined this week a debate session and lecture at…
What is the Internet of Buildings to you? The Master in City & Technology (MaCT) researchers explored the future of Barcelona by defining new methodologies of designing buildings…
Led by The Why Factory and MVRDV co-founding director Winy Maas, the students of the Master in City & Technology explored greening solutions for cities, approaching the greening controversy by looking at…
The Master in Design for Emergent Futures (MDEF) students are about to discover one of the most vibrant cities in terms of digital innovation, smart cities and…
Last Thursday 13th of December the IAAC Advanced Architecture Group and the Fundació Mies Van Der Rohe organised an open presentation around the topic of Advanced Architecture hosted by the Mies Van…
Next December 13, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and Fundació Mies Van Der Rohe Pavilion organise an open to the public presentation featuring Advanced…
THE INSTITUTE The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia – IAAC is an international centre for Education, Fabrication, and Research dedicated to the development of…
"Ecological Architecture" roundtable establishes a dialogue between Vicente Guallart and Yu Kongjian on how ecologies meet urban landscapes and help to transform architecture towards a…
Natalie Alima is a researcher with a multidisciplinary approach to architecture that fuses biology, robotics and parametric design. She has a passion for controlling, manipulating and…
Last week the students of the first year of the Master in Advanced Architecture went through the Mid-term presentations of the three Introductory Studios of the current Academic Year, conceived under the…
The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and Autodesk establish Research Residency Positions in Boston to further accelerate the research developed in the MAA02 programme towards industries, start ups and relevant…
MAA, MaCT, MRAC, MDEF and MAEB Students are just back from their research trip to Venice, in occasion of the International Architecture Exhibition Freespace curated by Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara.
The Fab City Global Initiative started in 2014, powered at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), with the mission to establish a 40-year…
The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia will host next October 26th the award ceremony in Barcelona as the main academic partner of 2A Continental…
Nearly 500 architecture students from 8 different schools have discovered this past weekend Les Rondes of Barcelona (the city's ring roads) in the 2-day Hackathon…
Park Won-soon, the Mayor of one of the Fab City member Cities – Fab City Seoul, visited Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC last week, to…
The first OTF Workshop 2018/19 “Walls” kicked off last week at IAAC, with the aim of giving students the occasion to print thin surfaces and explore the…
We begin this month of September and the frantic academic activity with a new “alumni story” that makes us especially happy and proud of our…
Three projects developed by the Urban Data Analysis studio 300,000 Km/s of Master in City and Technology (MaCT) faculty members Mar Santamaría and Pablo Martínez, have…
The Graduation Ceremony took place on June 28th at the Valldaura Self-sufficient Labs, officiated by IAAC Head of Studies Mathilde Marengo. More than a hundred and fifty students, coming…
Last June 26th, an enthusiastic crowd of visitors attended the opening of the IAAC End of Year Exhibition Experience Future Cities, the public event which showcased the best projects of IAAC…
Academic Director Areti Markopoulou and IAAC's Department of EU projects attended the first kick-off meeting of H2020 European project URBiNAT last June in Coimbra, Portugal. …
The Final Presentations of the first and second year of the Master in Advanced Architecture, the Master in City & Technology and the Master in Advanced Interaction took…
On Friday at 19h IAAC is glad to invite you to the opening of Auto-màtic, an exhibition curated by IAAC Senior Faculty Edouard Cabay which…
Last Friday, June 15th, IAAC opened its doors to conclude the 2017/2018 academic year with a very special and expected guest: the Danish architect Bjarke…
Last Friday the students of the Master in City & Technology presented to a jury chaired by Winy Maas the final outputs of the Robotic City Seminar which reviewed the work…
Visoren, empresa en Viviendas Sociales en Alquiler, quiere impulsar la construcción ecológica en los edificios de viviendas en toda España. Por ello ofrece dos becas,…
Mathilde Marengo, Head of studies at IAAC, will participate in "Transforming Economy from Learning" conferences on Wednesday June 6 organized by Barcelona's Centre Ernest Lluch…
On Tuesday, June 5, the founder of IAAC and former chief architect of the city of Barcelona (2011-2015) Vicente Guallart will give a lecture at…
ABB offers a full scholarship for the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction at IAAC followed with a paid internship of 3 months in their…
Last Saturday 12 May, IAAC Head of Studies Mathilde Marengo lectured about “Innovation and Spaces: a New Relationship” in the framework of the activities of the…
MAA X-Urban Design students, accompanied by Faculty Willy Muller and Jordi Vivaldi, are back from their research trip to Hong Kong and Macao. The theoretical reflection of the MAA X-Urban Design research line…
MAA Self-sufficient Building students, accompanied by Faculty Enric Ruiz Geli, are back from their trip to Canada and the United States. They started from New York…
Comprised of works from over twenty artists belonging to different disciplines, the first edition of Movistar Loom Festival? will take place on the next 19th…
Master in City & Technology students are getting ready for the final presentations of Urban Analytics, the seminar led by Luis Falcon, which will take place…
IAAC is glad to announce that will present two projects in the 16th edition of the International Venice Biennale of Architecture curated by Yvonne Farrell and Shelley…
As part of the launch of the new Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings (MAEB), IAAC is organising a symposium around the theme of Advanced Ecological…
IAAC’s Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction‘s (MRAC) mission is to train a new generation of professionals capable of answering the challenges of a more sustainable…
On April 19th, an automatic drawing exhibition will be held in Sant Lluc, resulting from a performative act emerging from the creative confrontation between artists…
Last April 4th, IAAC founder Vicente Guallart, presented at Harvard GSD the first full English translation of Iledfons Cerda’s book Theory of Urbanization. The event…
IAAC is proud to present 'Nacre': the Pulpo Collective’s installation for the Vivid Sydney Festival. Nacre takes inspiration from the many shell middens found during…
The Second Term Final Presentations of the Master in Advanced Architecture MAA01 and MAA02 took place at IAAC last week. Each of the Design and Research Studios presented their findings to a…
How do we communicate the consequences of our designs to the general public? How do we make the best use of the space in order to…
The 2017-18 edition of the Open Thesis Fabrication Programme, directed by Edouard Cabay and Alexandre Dubor, has proposed to design and test a housing prototype that takes advantage of the…
Last Friday the 16th of March, Master in City & Technology students visited the Shotl headquarters in Volpelleres, Barcelona. Shotl is a platform that matches multiple passengers…
On 16th of March the Museo de Bellas Artes in Santa Cruz de Tenerife opens its doors to present the exhibition Scripts – a chronicle of incidents,…
IAAC is glad to announce to its Alumni Community that, starting from the next academic year 2018/19-20, students who successfully graduated from a IAAC Master…
We are very excited to announce that the third edition of the MaCT Robotic City Seminar, led by MVRDV Co-funder Winy Maas, with Adrien Ravon and Javier…
IAAC is pleased to announce that Margen-Lab’s installation “Ways of Wood: Expressing Material Flows” is the one of the recipients of the prestigious 2017 Wood…
Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction's (MRAC) Co-Director Aldo Sollazzo participates at BIM Live Show 2018 as part of a premium line-up of construction industry leaders…
The Master in Advanced Architecture’s Seminar Bifurcation, led by the former Executive Architect and Researcher at the Sagrada Familia Mark Burry, took place a few days ago…
Master's in Advanced Interaction (MAI) students presented their project PlayBall! for this special event in Barcelona, which turned out to be one of the most…
In January our guest lecturer Dani Rossello Diez, Heatherwick Studio‘s Group Leader was invited as part of the IAAC Lecture Series 2018 and inspired the audience with his lecture:…
Catalan TV Channel TV3 recently visited IAAC facilities to film a couple of episodes of weekly show "Ja T'ho Faràs”, which features "Do It Yourself" solutions…
After two years of envisioning the future of key urban centers around the world, among which Mumbai (MaCT 2015-16) and Barcelona (MaCT 2016-17), the Master…
The first research studio of the Master in Advanced Interaction immediately involved the students into a real project with the Ayuntamiento de Barcelona and the…
Last week the students of the first year of the Master in Advanced Architecture went through the Final Presentations of the three Introductory Studios of the current Academic Year. Climate…
With the objective of furthering the research developed in the first year of the MaCT programme, IAAC is proud to launch its first edition of…
This week, the students of the Master in City & Technology have been presenting the results of their first term of studies at the FAB City Design Strategies studio and…
The Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings is a 12-month immersive academic programme with an emphasis in using a practice-oriented approach to train professionals with advanced expertise…
Mara Balestrini, Master in Design for Emergent Futures Co-director, is a Human Computer Interaction (HCI) researcher and a technology strategist. She is the CEO of Ideas for Change,…
The Open Thesis Fabrication‘s students have been working together towards a collective goal and project until the final presentations of this December 5th. Subdivided in different specialised…
Digital Fabrication is an introductory course of the Master in Advanced Architecture tutored by IAAC Digital and Robotic Fabrication Expert Alexandre Dubor and Faculty Ricardo Valbuena, Raimund Krenmüeller and Kunaljit…
Last December 1st, IAAC hosted the first appointment with the 2017/18 Masters Open Days, inviting prospective students to discover one of the most advanced European…
IAAC is glad to announce that the Master in Advanced Architecture project Water-Driven Breathing Skin, by students Montakan Manosong, Irene Ayala Castro, Chieh Chang and Zina Alkani,…
IAAC is proud to announce that the award of Middle East Architect of the Year 2017, was given to its Alumnus Farshad Mehdizadeh, founder of Farshad…
Last week our guest lecturer and MaCT Faculty José Luis de Vicente, invited as part of the Autumn Lecture Series 2017, inspired the audience with…
Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings Co-director Daniel Ibañez is a practicing architect and urbanist. He is Doctor of Design candidate and instructor at Harvard University. His research,…
Monolithic Earthen Shells and Robotic Fabrication by InnoChain IAAC PhD candidate Stephanie Chaltiel and IAAC Faculty Maite Bravo has been awarded with the Acadia Autodesk Emerging…
Last October 21st at the Volkstheater of Vienna, IAAC Alumni Chenthur Raaghav Naagendran was invited to deliver his TEDxVienna talk about “Responsive Intelligence”, exploring the ideas…
Last Thursday evening we had the pleasure of hosting Mathis Wackernagel, co-creator of the Ecological Footprint and CEO of Global Footprint Network, for the Opening Lecture…
Tourism is a changing market. Recent trends have shaped a new archetype of tourist in Madrid. Culture is no longer the main reason to visit…
Last September the Oslo Innovation Week invited the Biocentric Design Group, founded by IAAC Alumni Thora Arnardottir, Noor El-Gewely and Jessica Dias, to present at…
The Open Thesis Fabrication programme, directed by Edouard Cabay and Alexandre Dubor, in its 2017-18 edition will propose to design and test in the Self-sufficient lab…
The Superilla, an urban regeneration tool that is part of a plan for Barcelona, developed by the Agencia de Ecología Urbana, within the Urban Mobility…
Academic Platforms of Computational Design is an exhibition, co-curated by Professor Imrich Vaško and Shota Tsikoliya, currently on display at the UM Gallery in the framework…
This summer the Moscow IAAC Global Summer School participants, led by Maria Kuptsova, Elena Mitrofanova and Ivan Mitrofanov with the advisory of Vicente Guallart, have been investigating new computational and…
IAAC has developed a series of materials and advanced systems for passive cooling and ventilation, which allow reducing indoor temperatures by up to 5 degrees…
From 4th to 9th of July 2017, Castejón de Monegros has once again hosted the Nowhere Festival, the Spanish version of the well-known Burning Man Festival of the…
The International Fabrication Festival FAB FEST in London is a week-long celebration of design and making, featuring over 50 pavilions built by students of architecture from…
On Monday 3rd July, the 10th edition of IAAC Global Summer School kicked off in Barcelona and six other locations around the world: Beirut, Beijing, Moscow, Tehran,…
The Final Presentations of the first and second year of the Master in Advanced Architecture and the Master in City & Technology took place at IAAC in…
Only a couple of day left to the opening of the IAAC End of Year Exhibition Living (in) Future Cities, which will be held this…
Less then a couple of weeks to go for the second IAAC Global Alumni Meeting. For this very special occasion, IAAC extended an invitation to…
On Friday 30th of June more than 140 students from 50 different countries will celebrate their graduation for the programs MAA, MaCT, OTF and Fab Academy BCN. The ceremony will take…
The Final Presentations for the Master in City & Technology, Master in Advanced Architecture MAA01 and MAA02 will be taking place next week. Each of…
The MAA Lightweight Structures Seminar in this second edition has explored the topic of the folded surfaces, testing the capability of a plan to acquire…
The twentieth edition of Barcelona Building Construmat, Barcelona’s international construction show, has just closed its doors with an outstanding participation of exhibitors and visitors, interested…
At the 20th edition of Barcelona Building Construmat, Barcelona’s international construction show on the 23rd – 26th of May, IAAC and Tecnalia will unveil On Site Robotics, a project showcasing the advantages of the use of robots driven by cables in a pioneering system which allows building large-scale constructions on the building site.
Last week our guest lecturer Dieter Dietz, invited as part of the Spring Lecture Series 2017, inspired the audience with their lecture: The Red River. Dieter Dietz is…
Master in Advanced Interaction Faculty Martina Menegon and Stefano D’Alessio are two Italian artists, graduated in Visual and Performing Arts at the IUAV University of…
Last Thursday 6th of May all the IAAC staff members gathered for a team building event, to celebrate the growing and diverse team who’s one of the secrets behind the Institute’s success! Seventy team members coming from fifteen different countries joined the social event hosted at the Valldaura Self-sufficient Labs, in the Collserola Park.
Poblenou Urban District Open Day 2017 was a real success at IAAC! Last Saturday 6th of May our Faculty and staff members were glad to…
This week our guest lecturers Jaime Coll and Judith Leclerc, invited as part of the Spring Lecture Series 2017, inspired the audience with their lecture: Definitely Unfinished. In 1923,…
Synthesis of Strip Pattern was a workshop oriented towards digital fabrication strategies and integrative design thinking, held at IAAC from the 7th to the 12th of April. Led by Djordje Stanojevic & Georgi Kazlachev with NOUMENA, FabLab BCN and Nodo, the course included phases of material properties research, development of complex geometrical 3D parametric models, fabrication details and techniques
Last 19th of April La Casa Elizalde in Barcelona opened its doors to present the exhibition Scripts – a chronicle of incidents, directed by IAAC OTF Co-director Edouard Cabay, and displaying an extensive series of drawings mechanically created by automated plotting machines.
The seminar Liquid Skin, led by Edouard Cabay with the support of a team of experts including Alexandre Dubor, Resja Ferusic, Carles Salas and Ferran Figuerola, focused on the integration of liquids within curved glass assemblies or surfaces, in order to produce architectural effects or performance: climatic, energetic and spatial.
Hugo, a 7 year old boy, has experienced a few special days at the Fab Lab Barcelona: with the help of Santiago Fuentemilla he has realized the dream of turning a simple drawing into a real object with the use of digital manufacture.
Only a few days to go for the Master in Advanced Architecture’s Seminar Bifurcation, led by the Executive Architect and Researcher at the Sagrada Familia Mark Burry, where students will be challenged to design a ten meters column using the same principles of the Gaudí’s column.
Last Thursday Open Thesis Fabrication (OTF) students have finally unveiled the outcomes of the six-month postgraduate program, led by IAAC Faculty Edouard Cabay and Alexandre Dubor, which focused this year on the applications of additive manufacturing in the production of sustainable low-cost buildings, printable on site with 100{9109d278f27679b0d72ba26d1dbf285952fc93361903e26181bc35932131a14a} natural materials.
MAA02 students, coordinated by IAAC Faculty Maria Kuptsova, Ángel Muñoz and Master in Advanced Interaction Directors Luis Fraguada and Klaus Obermaier, are in the final push of the fabrication of IAAC’s interactive installation for the Llum BCN Festival 2017.
The first pedestrian bridge printed in 3D in the world was inaugurated last December 14 in the urban park of Castilla-La Mancha in Alcobendas, Madrid.…
In the episode 3D Printed Future of the Spanish series Cuando Ya No Esté (When I’ll no longer be there), journalist and TV news anchor…
This year, FabLab Barcelona and Green Fab Lab have twenty-seven students from 14 different nationalities: Spain, UK, Switzerland, China, India, France, Greece, Israel, Colombia, Antigua and Barbuda, Mexico, Italy, Philippines and Pakistan.
Continuing the IAAC research agenda, and using Barcelona as an experimentation laboratory, the Future Cities Studio of the CIEE Global Architecture and Design Program has explored the relationship between city and water, seeking innovative ways to improve this connection through speculative design and experimentation.