Ramon Gras (Harvard’18, MIT’15, BarcelonaTech’10) is a City Scientist and Urban Designer from Barcelona, working on the urban innovation space. He is co-founder of Aretian, a company that develops boutique consulting projects involving city science, urban design and economic development, as well as software development services to address city design, Real Estate, and urban development processes.
At Harvard, Ramon graduated from the inaugural cohort of the Harvard MDE program, where he developed research around urban design criteria for innovation districts operating in synergy with logistics hubs. Prior to developing his thesis at Harvard, Ramon worked at Ferrovial’s Innovation office in London, where he led design and technology projects at the London Heathrow Airport and the London Underground. Ramon developed at MIT urban design projects for the Kendall Square expansion and Somerville Innovation Districts in the Boston Area. Ramon’s thesis at MIT addressed the consolidation problem in air freight transportation by designing an advanced Business Intelligence platform. He expanded his training at MIT after working as a designer in major infrastructure projects involving urban design, maritime infrastructure, high speed rail, and architectural design (a Richard Rogers project). In 2023 Ramon Gras joined IAAC as MaCT Faculty.