Dr.Daniel Ibanez participates at the VI International Congress of the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad – The City We Want

Dr. Daniel Ibañez, director of the Master in Mass Timber Design and co-director of the Master in Advanced Architectural Building and Biocities, participated in the VI International Congress of the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad, directed by Jose María Ezquiaga entitled #TheCityWeWant. The congress took place at the Baluarte Conference Center and Auditorium in Pamplona last September.

The congress gathered multiple disciplines and distinguished speakers including Pritzker Prize recipient Anne Lacaton, Nobel Prize recipient Mohan Munasinghe, professor Philipp Rode from the LSE, ex-minister Carlos Solchaga, former mayor of Barcelona, and UN-Habitat executive director Joan Clos, Fabienne Hoelzel, Dietmar Eberle, Rafael Fernández Valverde, Francesc Muñoz, María Ángeles Duran, Dr. Feniosky Pena-Mora or 300.000Km/s among others.

The congress discussed, from a multidisciplinary angle, central topics for cities and the multitude of urbanization processes such as environmental equity and resiliency, sustainable development, or urban mobility and health. Daniel’s contribution discussed the importance of urban metabolism and how cities can generate symbiotic ecological relationships with the territory. His talk used mass, as a critical material flow, to exemplify these positive connections from forests to buildings.