IAAC’s Alexandre Dubor receives DigitalFUTURES 2023 Young Award

The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) is excited to announce Alexandre Dubor, Co-Director of the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC) and the Postgraduate in 3D Printing Architecture (3DPA), as a recipient of the DigitalFUTURES Young Award 2023. The Award aims to recognize exceptional contributions in the field of digital design and fabrication in their early careers.

Alexandre Dubor is an architect and researcher that explores the potential of new technology, materials and designs for a better construction industry, with a focus on 3D printing and robotics for a sustainable architecture.
In his presentation, during the DigitalFUTURES Ceremony, he stated that “New technology brings the opportunity to propose new machines, materials and designs to construct our city with highly customized solutions. We hope that the introduction of robot digital fabrication and computation, initially motivated by productivity and economy targets, can also allow more sustainability and higher degree of design and integration.” Dubor also acknowledges that it is interesting to observe the difference between Academia and Industry and how their needs are crucial in breaking boundaries for a better tomorrow.
DigitalFUTURES is an independent online platform for architectural education entirely managed by volunteers. No matter the country, origin of race, religion, gender, age, or socioeconomic status, the goal is to make educational concepts accessible to architects and students all over the world for free. They strongly believe that education should be a human right, and not the privilege of the wealthy. DigitalFUTURES remains accessible all year round while providing seminars and lessons in a variety of languages. Although architecture, and cutting-edge architectural technologies, is one of the main interests, they also address social equality, environmental difficulties, and several other important issues. All session recordings are posted on Youtube creating a permanent collection of educational materials as well as our very own Alexandre Dubor’s award acceptance and presentation.
Discover more projects Alexandre Dubor has been involved in, such as TOVA, Robotic Mosaic, Co-Mida and Robotic Facade.