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IAAC Lecture Series – Michael Green

IAAC Barcelona
Date: 30 May, 2024 Time: 18.00h (CEST) Location: In-house at IAAC Main hall, C/ Pujades 102 & Zoom

Michael Green
Founder and Co-Principal of Michael Green Architecture (MGA), is an award-winning architect, speaker, and author known for using design to create meaningful, sustainable built environments that benefit both people and planet. A leader in wood and bio-based construction and innovation, he has completed some of the most significant timber buildings in the world, and has been recognized with over fifty international awards for design excellence.

Lecturing internationally on mass timber and new building technology, Michael’s TED talks “The Natural Building Blocks of Sustainable Architecture” in 2023 and “Why We Should Build Wooden Skyscrapers” in 2012 have almost 3 million views and been translated into 31 languages. He serves as a government policy advisor on mass timber design and is the co-author of the first and second editions of ‘The Case for Tall Wood Buildings’ and ‘Tall Wood Buildings: Design, Construction and Performance.

The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) is delighted to present him in the framework of the Closing Events of the Academic Year 2023-24.


18:00 Lecture by Michael Green
18:30 Roundtable with Michael Green, Kelly Alvarez Doran and Maria Mora from MGA, moderated by Daniel Ibañez IAAC Director
19:00 Refreshments

The Natural Revolution: How Mass Timber is transforming our world
As a leader in wood construction, award-winning studio Michael Green Architecture (MGA) has traveled the world lecturing on sustainable design and materials, led research and education initiatives in climate, environment, disaster and global shelter needs, and designed some of the most significant timber projects on the planet.
In this engaging discussion, Michael Green, Kelly Alvarez Doran, and Maria Mora from MGA will show built and unbuilt examples of how Mass Timber is changing the skylines of cities around the world and how this material plays a major role in decarbonizing our environment and creating safe, affordable, practical, and transformative urban environments.