Fab Lab Barcelona’s Director Tomás Diez and IAAC’s Academic Director Areti Markopoulou are interviewed at the DIF documentary 2018, which explores the story of change in our economy

The documentary explores the idea of an economic system based on in abundance rather than scarcity, by harnessing the latest digital tools, computational power, material science, biomimicry and a somewhat older idea – the commons. The film investigates how this new system could have the power to transform the way we live and work. System Reset is a full-length documentary film shot in London, Amsterdam and Barcelona, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) being one of its main protagonists and locations for filming.

The documentary features some of the leading thinkers in materials, economics, the commons movement, FabLabs, digital citizenship, urban planning and architecture. Don’t miss your opportunity to see them collectively weave a picture of how our economy could operate. The DIF (Disruptive Innovation Festival) is a fully online experience which aims to shift mindsets and inspire action towards a circular economy.

The festival is curated by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and it invites people to share disruptive ideas and stories on a number of topics and attracts a worldwide audience, sparking critical conversations and participation through a combination of live interviews, films, and podcasts.